Chapter 14: Don't Lie to Me.

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(Liam's P.O.V.)

I pulled away from kissing Danielle and smiled at her, "I'm sorry." She nodded and hugged me, "I missed you." "I missed you to," I mumbled in to her shoulder, "and I promise I will never gamble or lie to you ever again!" She grinned at me and kissed me again. 

(Tori's P.O.V.) 

Louis and I where in the car driving back, we had a great visit with his family. Felicity was sick for the whole time so that wasn't fun but we had a lovely time never the less. I was exhausted we had already been driving for two and a half hours and I just wanted to get home!

30 minutes later

We parked the car and I jumped out grabbing my bag. I quickly walked to the elevator Louis right behind me quietly laughing at me. "A bit tired there babe?" I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder as we stood there. "You do know we are announcing our 2013 tour in a couple days right?" he mumbled into my hair. I nodded sad, but excited for him, " And I am going to stay here and go to college with Jenna, Syd and Manice! Well if we get in!" He nodded and kissed my forehead.

A couple days later (After the boys announced the tour)

(Jenna's P.O.V.)

I was sitting with Niall on the couch throwing popcorn at each other trying to catch it in our mouths. "JENNA NIALL! OPEN THIS DOOR NOW!" I gave Niall a confused look and he stood up to get the door. He opened it and Tori came sprinting threw, "I GOT ACCEPTED!" I screamed and replied, "ME TO!!!!!!!" We stood there for a minute yelling at each other about how excited we were. "I wonder if Syd and Mancie got in?" Tori said calming down. "I'm sure they did!" I said grinning like an idiot. "I'll go ask!" Tori said then ran out of the room. I have no idea where she gets all that energy from. Niall laughed at me, I turned to him and asked, "What?" "I don't think I've seen anyone so excited to go to school before!" he said sitting down throwing another piece at me. I caught it and shrugged.

1 Month Later

(Everything was going great, they boys were ready to leave for tour the next day and the girls all got into the college and were ready to go the next week.)

(Sydney's P.O.V.)

"I am going to miss you so much!" I said hugging Harry as we watching the Titanic for the millionth time. "I'm going to miss you to! And you will have to call me everyday!" Harry said kissing my forehead. "I will I promise!" I hugged him tighter and smiled.

6 weeks later (The boys left for tour)

(Tori's P.O.V.)

Syd, Jenna, Dani, Mancie and I all sat on Jiall's couch and ate chips. We were all a mess, we missed our boyfriends and our schooling was tough. "I hate this." Jenna said looking at her phone to see if Niall had texted her. "Agreed." we all said our eyes not leaving the screen. My ringtone started to play and I jumped off the couch running to the kitchen where I had left my phone. "Hello?" I asked quickly, hoping to hear Louis's voice on the other end. "Hey babe!" I almost cried, Louis hadn't phoned me for the past few days because the boys had been really busy. "Oh my god, Lou I miss you so much!" I slid down the fridge and sat on the floor. "I miss you to hun, but um there has been a little problem." he said slowly. My heart stopped and I asked, "What?" "Don't worry babe it's not me, um Niall did something really stupid that he is going to regret." Louis said his voice calm. I took a deep breath and replied, "What did he do?" Louis paused for a minute then said, "Well um I just needed to talk to someone about this but I'm not sure you should tell anyone." I waited for him to go on, "Well um we kind of meet Demi Lovato a couple days ago." I closed my eyes and shook my head, I knew Niall had a huge crush on her. "Well Niall kinda drank a bit to much and he um kissed her. Since that night he has gone out with her during the day while he is completely sober." My hand flew to my mouth and I shook my hand, "No Niall would never do that." Louis sighed and replied, "No, he did. I don't know what is going on with him." I agreed that I wasn't going to tell anyone. I shut off my phone and walked back into the living room, "Um I'm going back to my place to sleep, Syd are you going back later?" Sydney stood up and walked over to her saying, "Ya I'll go with you now." 

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