Blaze - A Marvel One-Shot (9)

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The road was becoming hotter and hotter by the past of each second. So much so that he could feel how the asphalt was turning back to its previous state and his cheek was slowing sinking in it. He was not getting burn by it though.

The fiendish sound could be heard traveling the air, coming closer and closer, the sound of a hellish creature that had just broke out its eternal infernal prison and was ready to unleash havoc among men.

Far in the distance, the beast was traveling the road, it was coming towards them, he could see it.

Fast and strong.

The beast was leaving a column of fire behind it, an orange glow that transformed the cold desert into an unholy pit.

This was it, this was the end.

The Gorgon had stopped his attack, he had turned his back at him, his full attention now focusing on the incoming creature.

For a second Steve thought he had seen The Gorgon’s katana tremble in the man’s hand, almost losing his grip on it. The Viper was also bewitched by the sounds and glow of the infernal creature, she was there standing, her jaw slightly opened.

Steve on the other hand found himself surprised at the fact that he was not scared of what was coming. He had already gave himself to death and defeat. This was already depressing but he couldn’t get any lower than he already had.

The petrous infection had already covered his neck and would soon take over his ears and mouth.

And then, in the blink of an eye, there it was. The demon that had come to take him to the afterlife.

It was horrifying, frighting and intimidating. A foul creature conceived in Pandemonium. Yet, its appearance was indeed something that Steve would have never guess.

Not in this life, at least.

A flaming, dark, burnt motorcycle stopped in front of them. Its wheels were covered in tires on fire but the rubber did not seen to melt behind all the bright fire. The engine was working with intensity and if you focused on the back-sounds, you could hear the pistons going up and down, up and down and with each spin a dark demonic scream could be heard. A cry for help, a wish for to be released from some unfathomable torture.

If it was not enough with the eldritch machine expelling a sense of dread and fear rarely known or seen on this plane, then its rider… its rider was a ghastly apparition bound to bring deliverance from the deepest circle of hell.

Even when looked from ground level the rider was tall, really tall, he was dressed in black pants and wore even darker boots, a black leather jacket was covering his upper body, leather gloves on his hands, and dark chains around his forearms, little heat bubbles were popping from the leather jacket at its shoulders level. And his head… his head was a blazing burnt skull, its eyes pits, its gaze was directed at nothing. A chill traversed Steve spine when he realized that the creature was looking at him, he was sure of it.

“Who…” The Gorgon began. The Viper could not move or she would not, Steve was mostly sure that it was the latter. “Who are you?”

The rider laughed, it was diabolic and mocking.

The Gorgon got a grip on his katana. “Get out of here you freak, or I’ll kill you!”

The rider seemed not to be paying attention at The Gorgon nor his threat. Instead the creature was watching at the Viper, calmly but feral. The Viper stared back at the rider, Steve knew she was looking right at those black, empty cavities on the flaming skull. She was frozen, their gazes meeting for an eternity and then the Viper broke free of the encounter and fell to her knees, covering her ears with her hands and she was crying, a desperate ominous crying sound that filled the proximity with terror. Even Steve felt it.

“Viper?” The Gorgon asked. “Stand up you bitch! This isn’t the time for that!” But not his screams nor his insults could reach the woman. Her mind was in another place, a horrible one. “Viper?! What the fuck is happening to you?”

“Hell is happening.” The rider said. His voice so deep, so full of malice that The Gorgon’s knees failed for an instant. The Gorgon recovered quickly, but he had shown weakness in front of the enemy. And to fix that error Steve knew there was only one option and The Gorgon was going to take it.

The Japanese man entered into a fighting stance and then ran towards the rider, fast and with force, his katana upwards flashing against the fire’s glow. The rider’s left-arm chain began to move on its own and like a snake, it traveled through the air, faster than anything Steve had ever seen, the next he saw was the dark chain surrounding and trapping the Gorgon and then as if of a fishing rod it was, the rider launched the Gorgon to the air, and when the chain came back to its position around the rider’s arm, no Japanese man was at its end.

The rider attention came back then to Steve. The hellish motorcycle moving towards him. Steve could not have said the creature to stay away even if he wanted to, for the infection had already covered his mouth.

The flaming wheels stopped at just inches of Steve’s face but even so, he was not burned by their fire.

Looking up Steve saw the rider looking at him, a demonic hand going for his face, and then the voice that said.

“You’re coming with me.”

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