Blaze - A Marvel One-Shot (13)

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Steve left The Gorgon carcass behind and jumped through the flames to the other side of the burning lab. When he landed and looked around he saw that Bucky wasn’t there.

“Bucky!” Steve screamed. “Bucky, where are you?!” the flames where getting more and more intense. The floor was loosing stability by the second, he could not remain there much longer unless he wanted to fall into a more hopeless pit and the ceiling over him just to end things. The Viper was also missing, Bucky must have move her body somewhere or take her along with him.

He had been so close.

It did not matter, He couldn’t stay there any longer. Things…

He saw it coming out the right side of his chest.

It was cold.

Even with hell burning around him, it was cold.

The blade was cold.

“You should have put that shield on your back, you fucking piece of shit!” he heard a faint voice on his back.

Then the blade went back inside and it came out through his back.

Now, everything felt cold.

Steve fell to his knees and then rolled himself on his back, he ended up seated against a cracking column that was going to give up at any second now.

No, I was so close… I’m in hell.

“How…?” he said, almost a whisper.

“You can’t kill me Captain! The Baron made me much stronger than that. You and your blades and bullets can’t hurt me.” He approached slowly, as if savoring every second of Steve’s suffering and despair. “You see, you fucking idiot. You! With your serum or without it, you’re just a man. I, I’m beyond that.”

Steve saw the creature’s horrible face and then behind him coming out the flames he saw another hellish sight, but this one brought him more happiness than he would find himself admitting.

“Don’t look behind you.” Steve said.

“What? What are you babbling about?” The Gorgon said. Then, he turned to look behind him. “Oh, fuck!”

The burnt chains surround the monster’s wrist and then the Rider pulled from them launching The Gorgon at his direction. The Rider’s fist met the Gorgon’s face and the sound of broken bones was heard.

“Ugh! You again!” said The Gorgon. “You can’t stop me, you…”

“On your knees monster.” The Rider said, and The Gorgon obeyed.

The entire room became darker, the flames light seemed diminished by and strange force. Steve felt fear at the unknown of the situation.

“What are you doing?” the monster’s voice was full of fear.

“Look at me, Tomi Shishido. Look at my eyes and see the abyss.”

“No! I won’t! you can’t! No!”

“Look at me!” the Rider screamed. His hands at the sides of the Gorgon’s head. No matter how strong he was he seemed unable to fight the Rider’s grip.

“How you know my name?! No, please No!” the voice that came out of Tomi Shishido’s mouth was one of nightmares.

“Tomi.” The Rider said. “You have killed, robbed, massacred, raped and betrayed. You abandoned your humanity too long ago. Now your existence must cease.”

“No! Please, I don’t want to feel that! Stop it! Stop! Oh my God!”

“Silence!” The Rider said. The black pits in eyes filling themselves with fire.

“No! Please!!! Father!”

“Your soul is mine!” The rider opened his mouth in an hysterical, maniacal and infernal laugh that Steve felt lasted for ages. The foul sound would follow him for the rest of his life.

The next time he looked. The Gorgon’s corpse rested on the ground. Its eyes two black holes releasing smoke. And the looked of terror on its face, told that whatever it had saw in the Rider’s eyes would never be seen by a living creature and live to tell it.

“Now you.” The Rider said walking towards Steve. “You need to stop dying.”

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