Date p2

706 23 2

The waiter comes by with our food. Oh Yum! It's pasta! Pasta is one of my favorite foods. It's weird. Because last night for dinner we had pasta but I didn't have any.

Just when I was about to eat some of pasta, Brian takes my fork places it on the bowl .

"Hey! What was that-" Brian kisses me before I could finish my sentence. I moan a little. Ahhhhhhh!! I breathe lightly as he pulls away "What was that for?" I ask breathless.

"Because I love you" Oh my fricking god! I feel as though people are watching us but I take a glance around and no one is.

"I love you too" I say. Brian kisses me again for a little longer this time.

He pulls away "Sorry we should eat before we have our dessert." He winks. Damn he is the best thing that had ever happened to me.

All my life no one has ever excepted me except Chris. And now I guess Andrew. But now I have Brian, my boyfriend. My first and hopefully my last. I mean I've only known him for a while but we are already in love.

"Brian," I put my fork down "what are we gonna do about school? Are we gonna come out?"

"No way!"

"But why not" I say with a little sadness in my voice.

"Look at my old school I got beat up for coming out. I got black eyes busted lips, they broke my nose and once even my leg. You understand. It's not safe"

"I understand. I completely get it" He looks at me and gives me a half smile.

"You know I love you" he says reassuringly.

"I understand but I think we should come out soon. I will stick up for you and since your the new kid it will be well ya know. But if we do I will be by your side. I am your boyfriend aren't I?" He closes his eyes and looks down. "But you and I are gonna come out soon. Not tomorrow obvi but soon"


"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise" he laughs. I laugh with him and our night continues. And that's only the beginning.

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