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I woke up feeling miserable. Probably from the lack of sleep that I have been getting the past few days, I thought to myself. 

I walked over to the closest mirror and looked at myself, as if I had never seen myself before. I was a dead, pale white and I had big, black bags under my eyes. 

Great, now everyone is going to notice, I thought to myself. I ran to the bathroom, closed, and locked the door in hopes that I would be able to hide from everyone. 

I guess I am a really good hider. I was in the bathroom for at least an hour before I heard knocking at the door. 

"Who is it?" I asked groggly, hoping I heard wrong. "It's Nya. May I please come in?" Nya asked. Most of me wanted to say yes, but a little part of me wanted to say no. Finally, when I could tell that Nya wasn't going to leave, I said "Fine, Nya, come on in." I watched as the door slowly opened up to the unknown.


Jay had been gone all morning. It was very unsettling on how quiet it is. Generally, Jay would be talking like no tomorrow. I knew that he would shut up if I was in danger, though. I knew that Jay talked out of love.

When Jay still didn't show up, my first thought was that Kai had done something bad to Jay, seeing as he is and will always be the big overprotective brother. 

When Kai said that he hadn't seen Jay since last night, I got worried. By the time I asked all of the ninja if they had seen Jay, it was lunch time. Lunch was very unsettling. I could feel the tense atmosphere and knew that if Jay was here, he would have told a joke to lift the atmosphere. 

Finally, I heard a noise. It was the sound of a quiet sobbing. It was at that moment that I knew that it was Jay. I slowly crept up to the bathroom door and knocked.

"Who is it?" Jay asked in a flat voice. I knew he wasn't feeling well. "It is Nya. Can I come in?" He stayed silent for awhile. I knew that he was hoping that she would leave. When I showed him I wasn't taking no for an answer, I heard him say in a voice that was barley a whisper, "Fine, Nya. Come on in. 

It was then when I opened the bathroom door that I knew I wasn't ready to see the sight that was in front of me...

Authors Note...

Cliffhanger. Sorry, I just had to put one in this chapter, or it probably would have dragged on forever. I think that this chapter was a lot better than the first one. If you didn't get this chapter, it was pretty much that Jay was hiding after the nightmares that happened the night before, and was scared that if he went out there, his brothers would find out. Nya then goes looking for Jay in fear that something happened to him. She goes to the bathroom not prepared for the sight in front of her.

The next chapter is going to be called Fear. I don't know when I will actually get the time to publish the next chapter, but I will try and get it done tomorrow or the day after because of school and other activities I do outside of writing this.

Just a reminder that I don't own Ninjago, but that I own this story.

This is goodbye for now. I will see you all in the next chapter

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