Chapter 2

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After the final buzzard of the hockey game Ross had walked Rachel back to apartment as he kissed her cheek goodnight an energy coursed through her body that she had not felt in some time. The last time that a man had made her feel this way, this special was Bobby Lead in high school.

As she waved Ross goodbye and shut the door to the apartment door quietly as not to disturb anyone she grabbed the phone and ran into the washroom to call Phoebe to tell her all about her first date with Ross.

"Phoebe how's it going? You are not going to believe what I did tonight, I went on another DATE with Ross! We went to the hockey game, I don't when the last time I went on more then two dates with a guy it had to be in high school" she said with all the giddiness of a 16-year-old teenage girl experiencing her first love

"I can't believe you are dating Ross Geller? Who would have thought that back in high school as well, I remember him having a huge crush on you back then too, hockey game eh?" she said laughing with her adorable snort when she was extra happy, and she had picked up on some Canadian euphuisms from her boyfriend. "He always seemed like such a dork no offense. Also, whenever I would go to Monica's for thanksgiving after high school he was always really reserved and into his little family. Always seemed very reclusive. Anyway, I am happy for you."

"I don't get that vibe from him at all he is really sweet, kind and has a good sense of humor. I think maybe in the past he was upset about what Carol and Susan had done to their perfect life. He seems much more happier I think he has moved on from all that" she said trying to reassure Phoebe.

"Okay speaking of thanksgiving do you want to come over to Monica's for a thanksgiving feast? I am sure it would be a great surprise to see Monica again" Phoebe said raising her voice with each word as the excitement of the idea had caught even her by surprise.

"I am not sure Phoebe I have to see what I can do with my sisters, my mom said that I was going to look after them for the holidays while she went up to see her new boyfriend at his chalet in Vermont or something" she said waving in hands in the air in frustration. Rachel and her mom had grown distant over the last few months while her mom was never really home which was causing Rachel to take over the motherly duties of her high-school aged sisters.

"Oh, I have a good idea you can bring them!" Phoebe said "I have always wanted to play for the kids. I think Ross is brining Ben as well, so they can play together"

"Yeah, I am not sure," she said putting some thought into it about how it would be nice to have a good home cooked turkey and friendly atmosphere. "You know what why not, Sounds like a plan"

"Okay awesome I tell Monica she is going to be so excited!" Phoebe getting distracted ended up accidentally hanging up the phone on Rachel who decided it was time for bed.

Monica Geller, she thought. It had been years since she had seen Monica even though she had just recently started dating her brother Ross. It had been high school graduation was the last time she remembered because her parents decided to give Rachel a 2-month European experience for her graduation gift. It would be nice to see her again after all those years.

The next couple of weeks before thanksgiving had gone by in a blur as Rachel and Ross were barely able to see each other as they had both been working and with Rachel making sure her sisters were able to get to their various commitments. Before they knew it, Thanksgiving was here.

As she was running around the apartment in her blue dress in her heels getting her sisters all corralled making sure that they were ready for the big dinner and were dressed up. As she was putting her earrings in she heard a knock at the door. She scrambled to make it before the next round of knocks as she knew it upset her neighbour Mrs. Jones who was the kindest caring pensioner who would help look after Rachel's sisters. Rachel swung the door open to see Ross and Ben all dressed up

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