The End Of Tonight

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Attention: this may be a little short because it was meant to be in the last part but it didn't save so I'm just going to finish it off here.


Ugh where is our food already?

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Patty with our food on a small tray walking our way. She came over to our table and set the food down and said, " Here you guys go, One symmetrical, perfectly symmetrical, turkey sandwich. And one steaming hot chicken noodle soup."

"Thanks Patty you can go now."

"Okay. I hope you guys enjoy your food! Oh and Kidd..."

"Yes Patty?"

"Good luck."

"Patty go away!"

"Ha ha Ha ha ha La la la la."

I looked down at my sandwich and Patty was right it was perfectly symmetrical. But as sad as it makes me it was so perfect I couldn't eat it I had to pull my phone out and take a picture, symmetry so beautiful. I looked over at Maka and I saw her shoveling spoonfuls of chicken noodle soup into her mouth.

"Hey, Kidd..."


"Since you're not eating would you like to go somewhere else?"

"Yeah sure, but where would you like to go?"

"Hmmm, the park! Haven't been there in a while."

"Haha okay Maka."

I walked up to the register and paid for our food, then we walked out of the Café door and then Maka and I started to walk across the street and half way there, she stopped.

"Maka,is everything okay?"

She said nothing, we waited for about two minutes then she grabbed my hand and ran to the park with a smile on her face. She stopped running when she got to the hill that what is a few feet away from the pond.

"Isn't it beautiful?"

"What is?"

"The pond."

"Yeah it is."

We kept staring at it,...well she was, my eyes were too busy trailing down our arms and then I noticed, we were still holding hands.
Oh god. Don't vomit, DONT DO IT!
I needed something to take mind off of this, thank god Maka dragged me down the hill, that got my attention, we slid into the pond and we both went feet first under water, I took her arms and pulled her out of the water. When she got her head up she swam a few feet away from me and started splashing waves of pond water in my direction, I did it back, this went on for about 45 minutes, and with every wave she put in my direction, she inched closer and closer to me. She stopped when she was right in front of me. She just stared at her.
"Why did you REALLY wanna hang out with me?"
"Because I thought it would be fun."
She looked at me with sad eyes. Then, before I knew it she was hugging me around the waist. I didn't know what to do in this situation, my heart was about to jump out of my chest and burst. I put my arms on her back and we waited, for what? I don't know.
"Honestly Kidd, don't think you like me, I'm a flat chested nerd, that no one will ever fall in love with, forever alone. All guys even care about are boobs and sluts. Not the completely different part of that category."
I hear sobbing noises come from her mouth.
"That isn't true. To be honest, you're the most beautiful girl I have ever set my eyes on. You will not be forever alone, and not all guys care about that, like me, I don't care."
"Y-y-you really think that?"
"Yes, I wouldn't lie to you Maka, I have no reason to."
We waited in silence.
"Let's get you back home."
"Yeah okay."
I pulled out my skate board once again.
"Get on."
"I still can't ride these."
"You'll be fine."
She got on the board and I got on after her and put my arms around her waist and held her close. We started to levitate in the air, the we started flying towards Makas house.
Not a word was said, all of the 45 minutes of us going to Makas house, nothing but pure silence.
We landed in front of her door.
"Well goodnight Maka."
"Ya you too."
I started to levitate in the are getting ready to go home when Maka said,
"Oh wait Kidd,"

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