Two Worlds Collide

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Demi's POV

Once I threw my bag into the car I felt the knot in my throat which meant the tears were coming. It wasn’t until I had gotten to the airport a few days later that I sucked it up and stopped crying. While I was at home, I was a complete mess and I felt like an idiot. I shouldn’t have took it all out on myself but I did. My Mom was even terrified to come into my room. There was tons of paparazzi everywhere asking about every little thing they could think of. Luckily I figured out how to block them out a long time ago. I had to stop thinking about Selena so much. I wanted to enjoy my time and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to do so until I just totally pushed all thoughts of her out of my head. Everyone with me knew I wasn’t in the best mood and once we made it to our first stop my band told me to clean myself up so we could go somewhere.

“Hey Dem, you okay?” Mike my guitarist asked. We had always been really close and I knew I could always tell him anything. He already knew that Selena and I weren’t JUST friends, and that there was something more so I decided to tell him about everything. It felt like I was talking for hours.

“Well, I mean, I guess I kinda understand.” he said just staring at me like I just told him that I had killed someone and I needed his help to hide the evidence.

“I know, its a lot. But can you help me just forget about it for awhile. I don’t want to be all upset while on tour. I just want to put on the best shows possible for all my fans.”

“Come here dem.” He pulled me into a hug, “ You know you’re like my little sister. My advice to you is to remember the times you were happiest with Selena. Cause I know some of the songs on the setlist are about her so forget the negative and just focus on why you wrote those songs.”

“Well its because I love her.” I giggled.

He laughed, “I know that...but I mean just remember what you were feeling when you wrote those songs.”

“Right...Thanks Mike.”

“Now come on, lets go cause some trouble.”

We ended up going to this one club that only let me in because well I’m Demi Lovato. I have no clue how much I drank but at the end of the night it really didn’t matter. Mike took care of me that night because he didn’t want me to end up fucking some random. I was thankful for that, I remember one time Selena and I went to some house party, I think Miley invited me and I told her that I was hanging out with Selena so she said to bring her along. It was a few weeks before we left to Puerto Rico for PPP (Princess Protection Program) and at that time we were already very open with each other about how we felt. Anyways Selena told me I could drink if I wanted because she wasn’t really into that kind of stuff so I did and that night she took care of me. Miley and I were dancing while Selena was sitting down nearby. I felt Miley’s hands on my hips and Selena didn’t seem to like that too much because just as she saw Miley get a little more touchy she came and pulled me close to her, grinding into me.

“Damn Sel...” I said watching her as she got a little more aggressive.

She whispered into my ear, “Well it got Miley off of you.”

She continued dancing and gosh, I don’t know if it was the liquor or the fact that I had never seen Selena so possessive but I wanted her so bad after that. I grabbed her closer and pecked her lips, “Demi…,” she pulled away quickly hoping that no one saw. She grabbed my hand and had me follow her down a really long hallway. It was completely empty.

“Why did you do that?” I could tell she was mad but I was in that happy drunk phase so she couldn’t really aggravate me. This time it was me that grabbed her hand and pulled her along into a room nearby. I pulled her close again meeting her lips with mine and tugged lightly on her bottom lip. Surprisingly she didn’t try pulling back she just kind of let me take total control of the situation. I had her up against the door and her legs were wrapped tightly around my waist. I felt her hands in my hair and just as I was about to move further there was a knock on the door. I pulled back from the kissed and yelled, “There’s people in here, can you give us a sec?” I went back to kissing Selena when I heard an unfamiliar voice say, “No, we need our purses, we want to leave.” I pulled back again and Selena rested her feet on the ground. She opened the door and let whoever it was in.

“Come on Dem, we should go home.” when she said this I thought maybe there was a possibility that we would continue later but that didn’t happen because I ended up being the sleepy drunk and fell asleep before we even reached the house.

Selena’s POV

It had been a few days since Demi had left and I had to get back to work. Recording Wizards and working on my first album Kiss&Tell was probably the only things that kept my mind off of her. I tried not to spend too much time at home because she still had some of her stuff there and it just made me miss her more. Jennifer (Stone aka Harper) ended up spending a lot of time with me. She would do her school work with me, she even made funny vlogs with me a few times, and I was happy for a while.

After a few weeks I was surprised when my phone went off while I was in the studio listening to some rough cuts of the album. It wasn’t a text, it was a notification from twitter and across my screen I saw: @ddlovato has mentioned you. It took me a few times to actually understand what I was reading but I unlocked my phone and read the tweet: @ddlovato: @selenagomez I love you

I was confused but I wrote back: @ddlovato I love you too.

It wasn’t until a few days later that I was sent a video link of Demi singing Two Worlds Collide. She talked about Princess Protection Program and my new album which I didn’t ever tell her the title but somehow knew. She dedicated the song to everyone there with their best friends and asked if someone could record it so she could give me a message. The music started and she said, “I love you and I miss you Selena.” It made my heart ache knowing that even though things ended the way it did she still thought about me. If only I wasn’t so busy with my own career I would find a way to fly out and stand back stage like I used to. One time, I can’t remember where we were exactly but I had surprised her by showing up to her show that day. She never really came back stage until the very end. She was singing Get Back, I love watching her on stage because that’s the one place that I knew she was truly happy, and once she was finished she ran off towards the back and her face lit up with a huge smile as she ran towards me and brought me in for a tight hug.

“Oh my gosh!!! Sel, what are you doing here? I thought you had to finish recording Wizards.” she said pulling me out of the hug and grabbing my hand as we walked towards her dressing room.

“We finished a little earlier than I thought so I had my manager get me the first tickets available.”

“I can’t believe you would do that for me!”

“Well I had to come support my best friend, after everything she does for me.”

“You’re too sweet sometimes Sel.” we had finally made it to her dressing room and I wasn’t sure what she was looking for.

It looked like she pulled something from her bag and at that she said, “I was going to give this to you when I got back but since you're here, close your eyes.” I felt her as she came closer and she placed her lips on mine. She pulled back and I was about to open my eyes, “Wait, that’s not it.....Okay now open.” I opened my eyes and she was holding a cd.

“Did you finally decide to make me a cd of that crap you call music?” I laughed and she did as well. “No silly, it’s the first rough cut of a few songs that I’ve been working on.”

“You’re already working on new stuff?”

“Well I have you to thank for that.”


“Yeah, I guess in a way you’re kind of like my muse.” we both laughed even though it wasn’t really funny. We talked a little more and before we knew it we were traveling around together.

If only things could be like that again.

I tried making this one like the original format I wrote it in. Hope you guys enjoy! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2014 ⏰

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