chapter twenty-four

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"I can't wait to find out if your pregnant. With my baby." I say to her. She's in the back seat in her bloody gown.

"We also need to get you out of that disgusting dress."

She bluntly stares out the window.

"What's up with you today?" I ask politely.

"It's Dawson's birthday." She says quietly.

This makes me angry.

How dare she bring up her and Kai's dumb little son in front of me? Idiot.

I put my jacket over her as we walk in the store. I know it's suspicious, but we are in the outskirts of town, and no police wander around here.

Amber knows to stay behind me.

This is the fourth store we've been in.

We keep trying and trying, but she just won't get pregnant. So, we are here at RiteAid once again, getting a test, to find out.

When she gets pregnant, I'm taking her and I and our little fetus to a community, way way way out there where no one will find her.

I love Amber. I never have stopped.

Amber and I stop.

Bridget, with a stroller for two babies, stops in front of us also.

"Jeremy?" She asks confused. "Oh, hey Amber. Nice, dress." She tries to lie.

Amber looks down, wanting to scream, I could sense it at the bottom of her throat. I grab a pregnancy test from the shelf and throw it at Amber. She leaves for the bathroom quietly.

Bridget and I just stare.

Amber walks out. "Don't take this out on me, Jeremy. Or her, she's young, we are all so young!" Bridget starts to say.

"You and her both lied to me, telling me you were pregnant with my babies, telling me these lies, then, out of the blue, I'm tossed to the side and your baby daddy's are there. I was there! I was there for both of you!" I scream at Bridget.

Amber gasps.

I really didn't want to make a scene. But I couldn't help it.

I take Amber by the hair and arms and chuck her at the wall, she almost goes through it completely.

I see the cashier duck and call 9-1-1.

I run up to Amber and kick her silly, where she's completely out and bleeding from her head, nose, mouth and stomach.

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