sangria wine | tom holland | part 2

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"So, what is she?" a voice said.

You stood behind a tree, hidden from anyone's views while dreading his answer to the question.

"Mate, stop asking me this," you heard Tom's voice as he drawled.

"Come on, just tell me. Do you like Y/N dude?" his friend Harrison, kept on pressing. Biting on your lower lip, you waited for his answer.

Maybe, you did have feelings for Tom but you didn't tell it to him. You knew that in Tom's eyes you were just a friend. Even though it hurt to see him dating other girls, you always had a smile plastered on your face whenever he spoke about his dates.

Zendaya always told you to forget about him and move on but, it wasn't like you didn't but you couldn't. There were days where you smiled because of him and there were also days where you cried because of him. You did whatever you could to make him happy even if he acted like a total dick towards you. You were literally destroying yourself so that Tom could build himself up.

Hell, you weren't even supposed to be standing here and listening to their conversations right now. Clenching onto your books tightly, your ears perked up at Tom's voice.

"She is nothing, okay. I am just friends with her, it's just that she helps me with my English Literature and American History. Nothing more, nothing less, mate," he stated.

Your eyes started burning up as you felt your throat feel constricted. Trying to keep your breathing even, you held onto a pillar nearby.

Tears spilled uncontrollably from your eyes and you steadied yourself to go back. As you turned back, you saw Tom standing there with his mouth gaped and eyes wide.

"Y/N, it's...n...not," he stumbled, finding words to speak but it only made the situation worse. You wiped at the tears from your eyes with the sleeve of your sweater and ran through the hallway.

Avoiding the rising feel of nausea at your throat, you thought about only one thing.

I wish I would never see him again in my life again.

You woke up in a pool of sweat, ripping off the earphones from your ears. You turned to Tom sleeping and you notice that the car is parked in front of convenience store. Picking your ringing phone, you managed to form a hello with your heart still thumping loud.

"Y/N, you guys can go in soon,"

"Sure, just give us a signal through comms,"

After placing your phone in your side pocket, you nudged Tom with your elbow.

He grunted and turned to the other side. You sighed and took a book, knocking him on his head.

"Ow, what was that for?" he sounded startled.

"Ben said we can go in there in awhile,"

"You could have just woke me up like a normal human,"

"As if I didn't try," you huffed.

Tom clenched his jaw shut and set his hand on the steering wheel, tapping his fingers lightly.

You noticed that you had 3 missed calls from Zendaya and laughed to yourself about how she would love to know everything that was currently going on here.

"Be ready guys. Tom, go in now. Remember, you both are Sam and Anna Wilson," Kate's voice echoed through.

After what seemed like driving for 5 minutes, the car reached a huge gate that looked like a gateway to a mansion. A young man dressed fancily, waited at the window of Tom's car door. Tom smiled and handed him the invitation to the pool party. The young man talked to someone on a walkie talkie and opened the gate for the car to go in.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2018 ⏰

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