Author's Note

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If you're reading this, you've read the story.

First, I'd like to thank you! This is my first completed project in a long time and I'm so grateful for those around me who pushed me to finish, and gave me the critiques I asked for almost too often. Bethany, April, Christopher, Shell, and whomever else I showed my early drafts to, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You made my story better and told me it was worth completing.

Second, I'd like to encourage those who have questions. If you're met with frustration, anticipation, or the like, good! I'm not here to torture you, dear reader. This story is only the start of something I hope to pursue down the road. I can't give you the whole meal without an appetizer, and I'd like to garner some buzz before fully diving in. You'll see Rachel and Dean again, as well as a new cast of characters that I can't wait to share with you. I'll need some time to do so, as my personal life is quite full with change and transition. However, be on the lookout for more short stories to hold you over until the full story is revealed in the spring.

Lastly, I want to give credit where credit is due. I pulled quite a bit of inspiration from Taylor Swift's song "Begin Again", as well as the music video. Rachel and Dean's characters, although original, contain qualities I've seen both in others and myself. If she ever reads this, I'd be tremendously honored. But the fact that YOU did means the world to me.

More to come, dear reader. Are you ready for it?

- j.m.

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