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As i made my way back to the house with Jake behind me, i felt the hairs on my arms stand on end. Something was wrong. I shifted into my gray wolf and took off running to the safe house that we had. I knew that if something went wrong, JD and Emma and Cathy would be there alone. I ran to the river and shifted back into human form and jumped in and swam down to the door way. 

I opened it and saw that JD was fighting a man i didn't know. Rogue, i thought as i shifted and attacked the person. I looked over and saw that Cathy and Emma were holding one an other and crying. I growled at the rogue for her hurt my little kids. JD, take them and run to the old pack house. There you will find Jake and he will keep you guys safe. I mind linked JD.

He hesitated for a moment as he looked at me and the rogue i was fighting. He gave me a small smile before he walked over to us and kicked to rogue in the butt. JD, go now! I yelled at him, not wanting to sound scary.

Okay, He said as he grabbed them and took off running.

As i watched him go, i mind linked Jake. Jake, i need you to go to the old pack house and get JD, Cathy, and Emma. They need to be protected.

On it love. Was all i heard from him before he put up a wall.

As i killed the rogue, i went running after the kids to make sure that they made it to the old pack house okay. As i ran in wolf form, i heard i scream. No! I thought as i ran faster and faster to the sound. I saw JD on the ground with Cathy and Emma around him. I shifted back into human and ran to them. "What happened?!" I asked worried.

"He tried to protect us," Cathy cried.

"Yeah, there were bullets coming towards us and he took them. They were silver," Emma sobbed.

Tears fell as shifted and nodded for them to pick him up and get on my back. Emma, link Same and tell her we are taking him to the doc's place. His other place.

Will do. Her tiny voice filled my mind.

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