Chapter 6 Saturday

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You woke up slowly the next morning.  You struggled out of the covers and blinked in the bright sun streaming through the windows.  Stumbling into the bathroom you caught your reflection in the mirror. 

There was a clear mark below your collarbone.  You blushed remembering Jin nipping and kissing you.  As the fog cleared your brain, memories of last night came flooding back.  Then you remembered.  Tonight- he would be here tonight  all night, with you. 

You rushed back to your bed to check the time on your phone. It was already 11:00??? Then you noticed two unread messages on your phone.

JIN: 5:30 a.m. Wake up sleepy head! What are you doing this morning?  Dreamed of you all night.

JIN:  9:30  Still sleeping?? Good, you are going to need your rest♡ I can't work for thinking of you!

You thought several minutes and answered

YOU: you have me awake now!! I slept well last night dreaming of you!  Cant wait for tonight.

You took a very quick shower and threw on casual clothes to go shopping.  You finished your regular Saturday errands and returned home. Blasting music, you worked on your laundry and cleaned your house until it was spotless. It was nearing three when you sat down, satisfied with your work.  You did a final check of your work email and cleared all tasks.  The rest of the weekend was Jin's  and his only.

At 4 you began to anxiously get ready.  You decided a hot bath would be perfect to ready your body for the night.  Before you started the bath water your text tone sounded. 

JIN: We are on standby, so I will probably be later.  I am so sorry!

Y/N:  I am sorry too.  No worries.  Can't wait to see you

JIN: I can't wait either.  What are you doing?

Y/N:  Getting ready to draw a bath

JIN: Holy……I just moaned so loud everyone in the room looked at me!

JIN: Why???? Why tempt me with that image????

JIN: Now I'm obsessed

JIN: Just so you know, that is now on my wish list

JIN: to see you in the bath

JIN: no….to take a bath with you

JIN: NO! to GIVE you a bath

JIN: AND for you to give me a bath

JIN: SHIT!  I've got to go

Y/N: wait….you have a wish list too?

You stared at the screen for long minutes, face flushed.  Guess he got called to work. What was on his “wish list"?  Time was crawling.

At 6:30 you got a new notification.

JIN: too???? Too?????are you telling me you have a “wish list" involving me?  Whatever it is- whatever, whenever, wherever,  the answer is YES! YES!

JIN:  I need to know what is on this list!!

JIN:  They just called us up.  Probably another hour now.  WHAT. IS. ON. THE. LIST??

Y/N: ok, be careful.  “the list” is strictly confidential at this time, sorry. I will tell you when you are close to granting a wish.

JIN:  but..*I* am the wishes…right? Right??

JIN: Gotta go.  I am imagining all sorts of things. You are making me CRAZY

You were trying to be calm, but as time dragged on you became nervous.  You began to overthink him being here, sleeping here all night. You anxiety began to spike. You had to find something to pass the time.

At 8:00 your tones alerted again.

JIN:  Waiting on finals.  With drive time should be there in about an hour.  What are you doing?

Y/N:  I don’t think I should tell you

JIN:  WHAT?? Why?? I am sitting here watching a room full of grown men act like ten year olds.  Spill it

Y/N:  it might make you uncomfortable.

JIN:  Now you HAVE to tell me!

Y/N:  I am lying on the couch

JIN: Yes?

Y/N: wearing your flannel shirt and my favorite red panties.

JIN: fuccccv… you just made me snort Sprite out of my nose!

JIN: .What else are you wearing?

Y/N:  Nothing yet.   I'm going to change before you get here, I have a really cute outfit picked out.

JIN: DON'T YOU DARE!  You had better be wearing exactly that when I walk in the door

JIN:  What are you doing?

Y/N:  reading

JIN:  Reading- like for work?

Y/N: nope


Y/N:  “My Highland Lover"

JIN:   WTH??

Y/N:  a trashy romance novel

JIN: sexy?

Y/N: Sometimes

JIN: get any good scenes to share from it??

Y/N:  none as good as the one we had on this couch last night

JIN: I’m leaving in 45 minutes…be ready.

Forty two minutes later you heard a car pull into your drive.

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