chapter 8 - WORK

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Soo-Hyun POV

Today is Wednesday and Miss Kim is inside of her office. I'm here out side of her office to do my job, every single person who's gonna see her I analyze them secretly. IU and him team decided to put more CCTV cameras everywhere out side and inside of the building and I also check all of her employees background, after what happened to us you just can trust anyone from now on, at first Miss Kim hesitate but I said to her my reason and she agreed.

Su-Chan and Chang-sik who are in charge of all of the CCTV's IU said to me that those two are the most among all the employees she has and I agree because I know Su-chan since we're a kid long story but to make it short we're friends, IU also add a bodyguard for Jiwon but Miss Kim said she only need one and let me tell you this she look so pissed when she heard that news so IU said the bodyguard is only will work  in her office and the cold hearted agreed.

"Soo-Hyun?" speaking of the devil the door opens slightly revealing Miss Jiwon Kim with her usual face.

"yes?" I stand up and face her.

"it's lunch time you can take your break." wow! I thought she doesn't have a heart but hearing does words from her makes me believe in miracles.

"How about you Miss Kim?" I asked her nicely because she asked me nicely and I can't just live her here.

"I can't... I have a lots of things to do." she said avoiding her eyes to mine.

She's beautiful and has a sexy body but she needs to eat to prevent the evil Jiwon, no just kidding its not good for her to skip lunch.

"so.... let's just order a Jajamyang with kimchi? and eat inside your office." I offer her.

I can see in her face that she's arguing either she will agree to me or not, is she like this always? Skipping to eat when she's busy? That's not healthy. 

"okay." she said slightly then shyly glance at me then back to the floor.

This young lady can be a bitch and a baby when she wanted to be, and I find it weird. Before I go to her office I call Su-Chan and the bodyguards that Miss Kim will having her lunch inside her office, after that I go inside of her office and sit at couch she's calling her secretary to order a food and bring it to her office.

"Excused me Miss Kim?" I raised my hands up to get her attention, She raised her right eyebrow at me.

"ummm...  Can you please order a food for the other bodyguards too?" I almost forgot that the other bodyguard also need to eat.

Miss Kim just nodded and I smile to her but she just roll her eyes at me and yes! The cold hearted Jiwon Kim is back again.



Soo-Hyun and I are eating lunch inside my office and I keep glancing at him, he always looks so hungry I wonder where the food she eats goes because his body is not getting fat, and I find it funny so I tried to stop my giggle but I can't.

"What?" Soo-Hyun asked with his mouth full of food like a child actually he's a child in a Man body.

"nothing." I said still eating. he just nodded and back to eating again like a hungry man.

"tomorrow I have a meeting with some investors." I inform him because that's a urgent meeting and I only know about that now.

"but I checked your schedule and you don't have plans for tomorrow?" He sounded annoyed so I looked at him with a bitch face.

That's why I like working by myself it's irritate me when someone is going to control or asked me what I should do.

"it's urgent my secretary Just inform me." I explain in a calm way.

"okay there's nothing I can do about after all." he said like she doesn't care anymore well her mood change fast.

"Miss Kim? " Soo-Hyun called out of nowhere, so I stared at him waiting for him to speak but I frown because he just staring at me.

"Wh-" he cut me off by her sudden touch in my side lips using her thumb, I froze in his action and my heart beat faster and I just stared at him...
he looks so serious and smart because he's wearing a smart glass.

"there." he said removing the dirt in my side lips then back to eat again, if you only knew what those simple things do to me..

That gesture is simple but did a big impact on me, I only know him  like a week? But it's like we know each other for a year. I feel comfortable with him. I'm not usually like this, this is all new to me and I'm scared of this comfort.

We heard a knock on my door bringing me out in my thoughts I'm gonna stand up to open the door but Soo-Hyun gestured towards me to just sit I don't know if it's part of his work or he's just born to be a gentleman and caring.

"Miss Kim." Soo-Hyun approached me  with my secretary standing beside him all smiley while taking glancing at my personal bodyguard.

"Yes ?" I stand up to go to my desk and sit on my throne looking at her with full of seriousness in my face.

I don't like the way she looks at my personal bodyguard I can see that she's into Soo-Hyun and it's annoyed me for personal reasons.

"a-ah I just want you to know Miss Kim that the president of YG company invite you later for their ball, this is the invitation for ball Miss Kim all the information is contained in this letter." she's still scared of me I can see it and I can't blame her all of my employee in my company is scared of me because of my cold aura.

"okay you can leave now." I try to be nice but I can't.

She bowed at me then smiled at my bodyguard, Soo-Hyun smiled at her because he's just such a nice person and I can see that My secretary is blushing hard and act shy with her crush.

"Soo-Hyun where are you going?"

I asked him because he's also leaving with my secretary.

"Ahh.... I'll just escort her to the door?" He said it was full of innocence and yet he can see how impactful she's leaving with that action to other people.

"No. stay. here." I command with authority tone

Soo-Hyun looked at my secretary with an apologizing gaze my secretary just smiled at him then leave at us alone.

"here." I give him the invitation.

"7:00 pm at the YG company....." He read while eating.

"Wear white formal suit and dress...." He continue.

I just started Soo-Hyun while he was reading the invitation and at the same time he's also eating, I already finished my food earlier, I don't eat that much but this young man ate my lunch,
he said don't waste food and I can't argue with him because
he was already eating it.

" I don't know if i have this kind of clothes to wear in the ball Miss Kim." He looks  stress.

"Don't worry I'll manage that later." I give her a smile.

After that Soo-Hyun finished his lunch then he's back again in his work leaving me doing my papers.


Short chapter.

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