chapter 4

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~Hayes POV

The kiss lasted about 10 seconds then we both pulled away. She stood the with a big ear to ear smile.

It made me happy to see her happy. I wish I had the guts to just tell her how I really felt. I decided to tell her tomorrow morning at the park. that sounded like a good time to do it.

~Megans POV

I can't believe Hayes kissed me. When he kissed me I felt butterfly's and fireworks were going off in my stomach. I like him so much but I don't want to tell him. I want him to make the first move on how he felt about me.

What am I saying he doesn't like me like that. I wish he did but I know he didnt.

On the way home we were just having a normal conversation until he grabbed my hand. He did it slowly and it was cute. I felt our fingers intertwine and I started to blush.

I looked over and he had his head down trying to hide his cheeks with his hair dangling in front of his face.

we swung our arms back and forth. once we got to my house he gave me a hug good bye and then I turned around to walk into my house until hayes pulled my arm and turned me back around and kissed me again.

I had fun today he said once the kiss was over. Me too I said in response. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and went into my house.

I walked upstairs to my room and picked out some clothes to get in the shower since I was sweaty. I picked out a tank top and some sweat pants.

After I picked my outfit I went to my bathroom and stripped down and hopped in the hot shower and thought about tonight. when I was done I turned the water off and got dressed.

when I was done I picked up all my dirty clothes off the floor and put them in the hamper. I walked over to my bed grabbed the remote and hopped on in my bed.

I had a good day I thought to myself. I turned the TV on to Disney channel and my eyes were getting heavier until sleep took over my body.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2014 ⏰

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