Chapter 10: The TWIST

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*6 years ago*

"Are you James Barnes" a nurse at a North Carolina hospital 

"Yes I am" he said as he was drinking his first beer of the night at his birthday party. 

"Hi I'm Judy Baker I'm a nurse at the Raleigh Regional Hospital I have your girlfriend Brianna Morgan Dawson here she's been in an accident with her mom she's unconcious but she's fine and so is the baby. We are trying to get ahold of her day." she said

"Ok I am I'll find him" he said as he went running out the door with his keys and he called the mechanic shop and said "Preston pick up." and he said "Hello" 

"Preston it's James um some hospital just called me saying Brianna was in an accident they coudln't get ahold of you." he said as he got on the interstate to head to North Carolina. 

"Oh god.. I'm headed that way I'll meet you there." Preston said

Bucky wiped tears and said "I'm coming baby I knew you wouldn't forget my birthday even if we have been fighting." as he turned on their song. 

He made it to the hospital and he said "Hi um I"m James Barnes my girlfriend Brianna Dawson." 

"Oh right this way honey." the nurse said 

He went in and he seen her with all the cuts on her face and Delilah walked in and said "She's the only one that survived Bucky. Mom is gone." 

"What happened Delilah?" Preston said when he seen her.

"I don't know she was going to take mom to work then she was going to head down to see Bucky for his birthday." she said 

The doctor came in and said "She's going to be fine she just has a few cuts and bruises and a concussion she should wake up soon. " 

The police came in and said "Are you Mr Dawson?'

"Yes I am" he said

"It seems that your daughter and ex wife were struck by a drunk driver her mom took the brunt of the crash as they hit her side of the car." the officer said

Bucky interlaced his fingers with hers and he whispered "Baby please wake up please let me see those gorgeous green eyes that's all I want for my birthday is for you to wake up." 

He turned on their song "Heaven" By Kane Brown and he said "I'll transfer my scholarship baby just please wake up." 

"James" she whispered as she slowly opened her eyes and she looked up at him and he smiled and kissed her 'DOnt ever scare me like that again." 

"You are here baby." she said 

"Yes baby where else would I be." he said 

"Your party?" she said confused

"Baby you are the most important thing and you and apparently a baby. I left my party to be here with you cause they called me looking for your dad." he said 

"No girl in your bed named Noelle" she said 

"No baby I don't even know a Noelle how much pain medication did they give you baby" he said 

"I had the worse dream ever I found you in bed with a girl we broke up and a lot of bad stuff happened." she said 

He kissed her and said "Baby no matter how bad we fight I would never cheat on you." 

"Where's mom? she said as she looked at her dad.

"Sorry Brianna you were the only that survived the car crash the impact of the crash snapped mom's neck" Delilah said 

Brianna's mouth dropped and said "Oh god.." 

Bucky hugged her and said "Shh darlin it's alright I'm right i know it hurts." 

Bucky stayed with her and she said "I don't want you transfer your scholarship I want to go to school with you in GA." 

"But what about your sister?' he said

"Delilah can go to our old high school and live with dad till she graduates." she said 

"Ok.. well we will get you out of here and back home where you belong baby with me especially since we have a baby on the way when did this happen?' he said

"It was going to be your birthday present I'm 12 and half weeks pregnant we made a baby during Christmas break cause he/she is due in September" she said with a smile. 

He kissed her and said "I love you baby."

"I love you too James" she said

Preston helped her get transferred out of UNC and set up at UGA and rooming with Bucky within a week of the accident. 

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