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A/N: I got this idea from other stories that I've read. I hope you all Enjoy!

(Y/N P.O.V)

I had just healed another patient, and as always they left without a word. I hear of many other medical officers getting a thank you or praise, but I haven't ever seen it for myself. I don't mind too much though, it would be nice to get a simple thank you but I joined to serve and nothing more. I heard the door to the room open and saw the head of the ships medical staff, Brian, walk in. "Y/N you are heading out in one hour to the planets surface with a team of soldiers to assist the master chief on her mission."

You:"What happened to the medic already assigned to the master chiefs squad?"

Brian:"He got shot in the head by a jackal."

I nodded and started to pack. It wasn't uncommon for a medic to be killed in action, and a field medic was even more likely. But I had been on many squads and in many battles, I even used a gun when needed. I had helped when ever I could, even when I was one of the last standing soldiers on the field I helped instead of giving up. So when I got an order I took it no questions asked. I grabbed my medical supplies and a magnum pistol for safety. I had about half an hour until I leave, so I started to head to the pelican as not to be late. Once I got there I had fifteen minutes to wait, it was a big ship. I heard a voice be hind me. "Looks like the medic showed up."

It looked to be one of the teams members. I turned back to the pelican and waited. After awhile we got on but had to wait on three stragglers. I saw them come running to the pelican. "Your late."

They proceeded to explain to the teams leader why they were late. I ignored them in favor of checking over my supplies and the on board medkit. Once I had checked the medkit over and approved it I went back to my seat. I felt the pelican shake violently and one of the privates was looking a little green. "W-what is going o-on?!"

You:"we're getting shot at, don't worry we'll be fine."

Private:"H-how do you know!!"

You:"Because I have experience."

I saw he was going to say more but I shot him a look that said 'don't if you know what's good for you'! He shut his mouth real quick and I smirked at that. After about 10 minutes we landed on the surface of the planet. I waited for the entire team to leave before exiting the pelican. I saw the teams captain talking with the master chief. I walked over to them and faced the chief. "Do you have any wounded that need medical attention?"

MC:"There are 3 soldiers on makeshift beds, Kelly will show you where."

I followed the spartan who showed me where to go. Once there I saw one guy with a wounded arm, a girl with head injury, and the last guy looked to have had several needler rounds explode in his leg. I went over to the one with the messed up leg first since he seemed to be in the worst condition. I noticed he had a lot of blood missing just from seeing him. I saw the leg was stabilized, sort of, and so I checked the wound. It wasn't infected, yet, and it wasn't in need of amputation, but he wouldn't walk right for a long time if ever. I stitched the wound shut and hooked him up with a blood bag, with the field supplies I had I couldn't do too much more but I hopped this would at least hold him. The girl was next and she appeared to be fine but I know appearances could be deceiving. I checked her over and noticed a bruise was under her hairline, she definitely had a concussion but it didn't seem life threatening so I told one of the soldiers to hand me a cloth. I wet the cloth and laid it on her head. I then went to the guy with the wounded arm, unlike the other two he was awake. "This is gonna hurt."

Soldier:"What do y-agghh."

I had forcefully relocated his arm and grabbed a pair of tweezers. I found some shrapnel in his arm and pulled it out. I preceded to stitch the wound. I then placed a cast on his arm. "There, this should help with your arm, now I'm gonna go see what else I need to do."

I left to go find out what the plan is on this mission. I eventually found the chief and walked up to her. "So what is it that we are doing anyway, I need a mission summary."

MC:"That's on a need to know basis."

You:"Well as the medic I need to know, this way I can work with what I've got, so I repeat What. Is. The. Mission!"

MC:"*sigh* Fine, we are going to take the covenant base that is just over that ridge in an hour, there is a data chip I was assigned to get."

I looked at the ridge that she pointed to and went over to it. When I looked over it I could see the covenant base just a mile out. I saw several elites and a hunter on guard. I went back to where the chief was. "That's gonna be a pain to take, do you have a plan or are we just going to wing it?"

MC:"I have a plan, you need to figure out your own."

'I will never understand Spartans, or women for that matter'. I walked over to my stuff and made sure everything was packed up.

(Time skip)

I was with a few of the teams members as we were about to attack the base. I was holding a MA5B assault rifle. I heard the teams leader say "go" and we opened fire on the unsuspecting covenant soldiers. I took out two grunts and a jackal. I saw that most of the outer guards were taken care of but saw the master chief run into the base and when we finished the last few covenant everyone else followed. Once I entered I had to take cover behind a crate since there were still MANY covie's. We were holding them back fairly well but I ran out of ammo in my rifle so I had only my pistol and pocket knife. I saw a jackal go down a corridor and followed it to wherever it was going. It stopped at a door that it opened, I saw some grunts running on the other side of the doorway. I ran up and cut the jackals throat, I let it drop and took its plasma rifle. When I entered the room I saw the chief killing covenant left and right. I saw the grunts from earlier all dead except for one which the chief shoved its own plasma grenade down its throat. I saw a elite trying to get close so I aimed at it with the plasma rifle I stole and shot it in the neck, I had to move out of the way when a grunt tried to shoot me in the leg. I turned around and shot the grunt in the head. I was soon killing quite a few covenant that came through the doors, while the chief killed the ones in the room. After awhile there weren't really any left, but that's when a hunter enter the room and we both took aim but when I tried to fire the rifle was out of ammo. The chief seemed to have the same problem with her gun, I saw her toss it to the side. I grabbed my magnum from my waste. "Hey chief, catch!"

I saw her turn and I threw my pistol at her. She caught it and ran up to the hunter. She jumped onto its back and started to shoot its head with the whole round point blank. After the clip was emptied the hunter have one last roar of pain and collapsed. I looked at the chief in time to catch my pistol. I put it back in it's holster. We had successfully cleared out the covenant base, now we just had too wait for a pickup.

A/N: ok so that was chapter one. I hope you all liked it and the next one will be ready in a day or two. Until next chapter, Bye!

The unthanked medic (reader x female master chief)Where stories live. Discover now