chpt. 4

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ethans pov

i felt bad for yelling at her, it wasn't her fault emma's insecure. i was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of a car door slamming.

"what do you want dolan." kaitlyn said. you could tell she was annoyed by the sound of her voice.

"i came to apologize," i said standing up. she looked hurt but this is just business so i don't know why.

"well i don't see why you were so mad when i said i didn't want to do this then you yelled for no reason and the stuff you sad was rude. i don't know what you want me to do in this situation ethan."

"i want you to accept my apology," i said.

"fine your forgiven, goodnight." she said clenching her jaw. i looked over at grayson, they've been talking for a long time before this so they're like bestfriends. he looked back at me and shrugged.

"katie matie," gray whined.

"yesssss gray bae?" she responded.

"can we have a sleepover? and watch christmas movies?" kaitlyn looked at kiersten and she shrugged.

"sure gray." they all walked towards the house and i just stood there. kaitlyn turned back. "you coming e?"

"yeah." i said. i wasn't expecting her to let me come. for a night in la it was cold as shit and as we walked in the house we were hit by a gust of cold air.

"shittttt. kiersten did you leave the windows open??" kaitlyn looked at kiersten.

"oops." kiersten said laughing.

"well i'm gonna get changed you guys can pick the movie." kaitlyn said.

"i gotta change too," kiersten responded.

"okay" me and gray said as they walked to their rooms. we were routing through the movies all ready and then i found elf and turned for grays approval. he clapped and nodded. so i popped it in the disk player.

after a few minutes kaitlyn came out with a messy bun, white cropped tank top, and sweatpants. kiersten was wearing the same thing almost but she had black sweatpants and kaitlyn had grey ones. "twinsieeees" kaitlyn said in a really girly voice and we all laughed. me and gray were in jeans and nice shirts, and she looked at us when they sat down. "umm i have a couple pairs of gray's sweatpants from him sleeping over when kiersten was in pa and i was scared. i washes then and you could change into those."

"thanks, but what about our shirts." i asked.

"just take them off it doesn't matter," kiersten responded. "i'm gonna grab two blankets. i call the long part of the couch."

"i call the other long part," kaitlyn yelled as she ran and jumped onto it.

kiersten came back with the blankets and gave one to me and kept one for her and gray. i sat down on the couch and gave kaitlyn half of the blanket, there was a continent between us. i didn't say anything though because the movie had started.

30 minutes into the movie
kaitlyns pov

we weren't even half way into the movie and i was cold as fuck. shivering like i was in the artic. ethan noticed. "you good?" he asked laughing slightly.

"yeah i'm just cold as shit." i said still shivering.

"here." he said as he scooted towards me and held his arms out. i cuddled up to him and he put his arms around me. he was so warm wth. i looked towards gray and kiersten and they were already cuddled up together. "better?" he asked.

"yeah a lot better." i responded warming up almost immediately.

"good." he responded and continued watching the movie i kept watching the movie but i was getting more tired by the second until i let myself fall asleep.

20 minutes later

i woke up to the flash of a camera. "what the hell," i mumbled still tired. then another picture was flashed and i jumped up. ethan 2 seconds afterward behind me. "GRAYSON" i yelled realizing what he just did. "delete it!!" i yelled at him.

"no can do aitait." that's what he called me. aitait and i called him ayay. it was this thing we came up with a few months ago.

"grayson bailey dolan! delete itttt!" i yelled at him chasing him around the living room.

"kaitlyn marie mcgregor!!! i canttttt!" he yelled at me. kiersten was just laughing so was ethan.

"if you post that you're dead!!" i yelled at him.

"then i guess you'll have to kill me!" grayson stopped laughing and sticking his tongue out. i jumped on his back. "haha you thought." he said as ethan grabbed me off of gray's back.

"this isn't over ayay!" i said. ethan threw me into the couch and layed on top of me. gray took another picture. "what is it with you and the pictures," i yelled. from under ethan. "ethan get off me i can't breath."

"haha can't do that." he laughed at me. i stopped breathing and acted like i was choking. he got off of me and started freaking out. "are you okay?!" he half yelled at me. i started cracking upppp.

"you thought!!!" i could barely say without laughing. he started tickling so i started yelling for grayson and kiersten to help me and they just laughed. next thing i know there's another camera flash "GRAYSON!" i yelled again stuttering from being tickled. kiersten was crying from laughing. another flash came on.

"GRAYSON DELTE IT!!" kiersten yelled chasing him around. ethan finally stopped tickling me to watch them and he was laughing. i took this time to jump on his back and kiersten already had grayson on the ground. i pinned ethan to the couch and he flipped me over.

"hmmm. i don't think sooo," ethan practically sang out. we all heard a snap and flash.

"grayson you got to stoop." i yelled.

"that wasn't me." he replied sitting up. everyone sat up.

"what the fuck. who was it then" i responded. he's full of shit.

"kaitlyn. it wasn't him." kiersten said her face pale. we heard crunching from outside so we all ran into the kitchen.

"shit i'm scared." i said. my heart was racing. we heard the door jiggling. we all ran for the stairs and i tripped. over thin air i tell you. "fuck." i said. ethan snatched me up and sprinted up the stairs.

"of course you fell." kiersten added as we all ran into the closet. we heard the door slam open and we heard people walking through the house.

"what the hell." ethan muttered. "of course none of us brought our phones." two seconds after that we heard someone running up the stairs. to our luck they ran past the door. grayson shirted and the curling iron fell.

"grayson." kiersten said as she face palmed herself. the footsteps stopped and came towards the door i shut my eyes. the door swung open and we all screamed.

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