Part 1

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•I haven't picked people to portray the characters in my book but if you think of anyone put them in the comments
• One the book Is not of the LGBTQ community BUT their are gay couples inside so if you don't like don't read
• Two I don't know if this book will last long because I'm still hella busy and I get writers block and I'm super forgetful
•And Finally please enjoy this is my first non gay book and I don't know if it will be bad or good
(P.S If I have bad grammar correct it nicely and I'll fix it)

S If I have bad grammar correct it nicely and I'll fix it)

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(A.N Outfit she's wearing you'll know later in the book lol also I noticed there weren't shoes so she's wearing black converse)

Anna POV
Alarmed, I look around scared out of my mind. I ran down the hall calling for help my lungs burned like I smoked 20 cigarettes.

Running, a growl rang out through the halls it was getting closer. Stopping I pulled on one of the many doors in the hall it swung open and I leaped into the room. The giant beast slowly walked down the hall growling with every step. On all the days for this to happen it had to be my birthday I thought. The beast stopped sniffing around trying to find me I quickly looked around the room and found some Ferbreze OH THANK SATAN!

I scurried across the floor and grabbed the bottle and started spraying it like crazy. The beast walked past my door not even sparring it a glance, but it kept circling the hallway. Shit it still smelled me what does it want?! It wasn't like this in the morning.

Flashback To This Morning
(This is basically chapter one)

"Anna!" Yelled my father "wake up you little shit!" I laughed I jump out of bed and grab my clothes (At the top) setting them on my bed before walking down stairs. I joined my dads for breakfast grinning I jumped down each step. "Good morning father and shit head" I tried to hold in my giggle but it came out anyway I sat down. I begin eating my pancakes and bacon "Eww I can't believe you two like pancakes waffles are clearly superior" my dad Jason said. "Whatever shit head" I said and continued eating. Before a slight pain formed on the back of my head "stop calling your father shit head."

My father Bret said as he finished slapping the back of my head. He grabbed the plates and started cleaning my other dad looking at him with love in his eyes. "See you guys in an hour gotta get ready for school" I kissed both of their cheeks and ran upstairs starting my shower. I climbed in the warm water hitting my body calming my aching muscles. I started singing (play song if you want to idc) the room filled with my "angelic" voice as my dads put it. Finishing the song I hopped out and started humming Love Lies by Normani and Khalid he's amazing.

            I want to be a great singer like him. Looking at myself in the mirror I smiled life was good tonight we are gonna celebrate my birthday. Finally I'm going to be 18, and for my birthday my fathers are taking me to where they grew up. Apparently I grew up their until I was 2 I don't remember much except that I love the woods.

I got dressed and ran down stairs my dads holding a big sign that said happy birthday and shit head had a present in his hand. Most people wonder while I call my father shit head, and it's because as a child whenever he changed my diaper I'd try and put my shit on his head I know super funny! My eyes watered but I held them in I hugged my fathers so thankful they took me in when no one else would. I opened the presents they gave me it was a charm bracelet it had little wolf paws I slipped it on my wrist. It was beautiful I couldn't help the tears that passed down my face I quickly stopped so I didn't ruin my makeup.

              "Now get to school you little shit" my father said as he tried to hold back his tears and hugged me. I pushed him away and walked out the front door waving goodbye as I set off to hell. Hopping in my tiny car I drove to pick up my best friend Timothy. As I drove I looked out to the side while still looking ahead of me watching the beautiful trees pass by me. I pulled into Timothy's drive way and pulled out my phone to text him.

Timmy Turner
A:hey get your smexy ass outside I'm here
T: Omw bringing donuts
A: omg I love youuu ;)
T:Shut up

I put my phone down and turned up the radio when I heard them talk about a wolf sighting while they weren't rare where I lived I still haven't seen one. After the radio guy stopped talking Silence by Marshmellow and Khalid came on and I instantly relaxed. I closed my eyes and got lost in the music, but was interrupted when Timothy got into the car with his box of donuts. The smell hitting my nose I leaned over and snatched a donut from the box taking small but savoring bites. We pulled out of his driveway and made our way to school eating and singing our hearts out. I met Timmy Turner (Timothy) in middle school he was the new kid everyone called him an omega whatever that meant.

Then someone outed him as gay and his life turned to hell. Everyone bullied him except me it would be weird seeing I have two dads lol so I introduced myself and told him about my dads. From there it was like having a little brother, I pulled into my reserved parking spot checking my makeup in the flippy thingy before getting out of the car. Throwing my backpack over my shoulder I linked arms with Timothy before walking into the building. We walked to our lockers Timothy got his moved next to mine for safety reasons. I grabbed my books shoving them into my bag while putting my hair up into a high pony tail once I was done I shut my locker door and waited for Timothy. I was so deep in thought I didn't even notice when Robins High most eligible bachelor walk down the halls.

           His name was Kingston Stone I shivered in disgust, he literally made everyone go crazy for him except for me. He was one of Timothy's main bullies and I hated him with a passion. He stopped in front of me and Timothy I lightly moved Timothy behind me and gave Kingston the nastiest glare I could. He looked down at me he smirked "Happy Birthday Anna" he said in a deep voice it almost made me go weak at the knees almost. "Thanks Kingston" I said and went to walk away but he stopped me putting a hand on my shoulder. My whole arm got shocked by this amazing feeling I must have looked like I shit my pants because he looked at me funny. "Yes?" I said annoyingly I looked behind me to check if Timothy was still their but he was long gone now that I look around everyone was gone?

             "Mate" he growled out like some animal his eyes a beautiful gold color. "Whatever Stone I've gotta get to class" I push past his hold on my shoulder missing it the instant his hand left. A growl rang out through the halls I turned quickly to see a giant beast it kinda looked like a wolf but ten times bigger. I screamed dropped my bag and took off into to a sprint good thing I was in track. The wolf chased me down the hall I called for help but it looked like the entire school was empty what the hell?! (Flashback Ends)
I lean my back against the doorframe and slowly rise. Peaking my head to look out the window staring right into the eyes of the beast.
That was the first chapter
Hopefully you like it if not I don't care
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Till next time pups🐾

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