Part 3

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Recap: I look into my mirror seeing Kingston fall in pain that I had felt but I pushed myself forward and drove home.


Anna's POV

I pulled into the driveway my breaths felt slower than normal. That just happened I just met my mate and it was Kingston of all people! How am I going to tell Timothy he's going to hate me.

I climbed out of the car my mind running with thoughts. Anyone looking at me would think I'm a zombie because I walked so slow. I opened the door feeling cold wind I shivered I walked through the hall who the hell made it so cold in here? I shrugged walking into the kitchen where I found a note from my dad. 'Running errands with your father be home soon' setting the note down I opened the fridge pulling out water and an apple before walking up the stairs to my room. Picking up my phone to text Timothy about Kingston I see an unknown number had sent me a message.

U: You're just going to leave me mate?

A: How did you get my number?

U: I have my ways kitten ;)

I shivered in pleasure at the new nickname even though my brain told me to be disgusted. I throw my phone down on my bed while frantically running my finger through my hair oh my god this can't be happening. my phone starts ringing I jump back I pick it up quickly and read the caller ID fuck it's Kingston. I hit decline quickly throwing my phone back from the bed and walking out of my room, only to hear a knock at the front door I quickly ran down the stairs and open the door there in all his glory is Kingston.

"How in the hell did you get here so fast? Were you following me!" He completely ignores me and walks right into my house. I slam the door making him jump "Kingston what are you doing here?" He just stares at me, I walk up to him and cup his face in my hands the shocking sensation runs through my body. He looks so sad I can't help but hug him close to my body as he cries on my shoulder. "I'm sorry" he chokes out I wait to see if he is going to say anything else " Anna I'm sorry for showing up unannounced and kissing you like that I just can't help myself you make me wanna do things." he says softly looking into my eyes.

"It's okay I'm just wondering why you did it in the first place" I push him back slightly and I swear I heard him whimper. " I wanna be with you and I didn't know how to ask you out because I didn't think you'd say yes" he whispers I run my fingers through his hair all the feelings of hate I had towards him long gone. " Well you still have to ask me and you didn't have to kiss me just your words" he looks down at me his eyes dropping to my lips I run my tongue over it before pulling it between my teeth biting on it.

"Don't do that!" he growls I quickly release my lip "stop yelling at me." I say calmly " never yell at me like that again or you'll get a no to that date" I huff putting my hands on my hips. " So that means you'll say yes" he smirks pulling me back in by my waist the shocks burning into my skin. I moan out quietly I look into Kingston's eyes and they're golden like honey next thing I know I'm on the couch with Kingston on top of me.

Oh shit.


That was a super short chapter but it is all still a work in progress i might even delete the book and continue working on others it really all depends on you guys your opinions mean everything to me and you are my inspiration.

Vampie Out!!!!!!!!!!!!🧛‍♀️

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2020 ⏰

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