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Juvia took a deep breath, trying to remain as calm as possible but to no avail. She tried think of other things — happy memories, but all that came up was what happened with Gray. Everything he had said was true. She did do that. And she regretted everything.

Silence took over the room as she felt tears threaten to fall down for the fourth time today. The silence was awful. Juvia took in some air before releasing it.

"Juvia? What are you doing here? Weren't you with Gray?"

Juvia jumped in response, startled. She turned around. It was Levy McGarden.

"He..." Juvia stopped before starting again, "He left..."

Levy looked at her in disbelief, "what? What happened?" Her eyebrows went up in a confused manner, "did something happen?"

Juvia could only nod in response. She felt sick. Terrible. Levy continued to stare at her, which only made her feel worse for some reason.

"Okay! What did he do this time?" Levy asks softly, bringing Juvia into an embrace.

"He.. didn't do anything, Levy. I-It was me... and I-" Juvia felt tears fall down her face. Levy looked at her with concern. She pat Juvia on the head.

"It's going to be alright, Juvia." Levy says in a somewhat sad tone.

Silence entered the room yet again, but being comforted by Levy made it a little more bearable now. Moments later, she heard Levy let out a cough.

"You know what, let's go out." Levy suggests, releasing her hands and proceeded to grab Juvia's. Juvia stares at her in confusion, but decided to let Levy take her to guide her somewhere. As long as it can get my mind off Gray for now... Juvia thought as Levy started walking towards a door that led outside.

The moon stood out against the darkened sky. Juvia could feel some wind fly past every few seconds, but other than that, it was calm. Levy walked down the steps and Juvia did the same.

"Juvia, are you okay?"

Juvia looked her at her blonde-haired friend, Lucy Heartfilia.

"I'm okay now, thanks Lucy." Juvia says, attempting to give her a small smile but failed.

Lucy looked at her worriedly, "what happened?"

Levy cut in suddenly, "let's leave that topic for now. Let's go have some fun!" Levy gave Lucy a look Juvia's seen before but never knew what it meant, but Lucy seemed to.

"Okay." Lucy nods as they walk away from the building.

The three started to talk about a lot of different things which slowly started to make Juvia forget about what happened.

"Let's go have a sleepover at my house!" Levy suggests suddenly, looking at the two who were a few steps away from her.

"Yeah!" Lucy agrees, looking at Juvia.


Author's Note
Congratulations, You have reached the end of this chapter! I apologize for the wait. I hope you guys had a lovely Thanksgiving if you celebrate it~! Please comment your thoughts on this week's chapter - constructive criticism is very much appreciated! Let's meet again in the next chapter! :)

- author

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