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The next day came by fairly quickly. Juvia opened her eyes and winced as the sun and shone on her eyes.

A lot had happened yesterday, but it felt as though things were coming back to normal. Juvia frowned, except... Gray isn't mine anymore.

She shook her head, this isn't time to mope around! I have to get ready for school.

Juvia stepped into the cold wooden floor and walked over to her closet, taking out clothes before walking to the bathroom.

Juvia sighed, zipping up her bag before taking the strap and putting it on her right shoulder. She looked at the time; 5:34 AM.

"Looks like I still have some time, maybe I'll just go to the school's library." Juvia mutters out as she headed towards the door and put  her shoes on. She turned to the door and unlocked it. As Juvia opened the door, she felt a light breeze come into her house. The sun wasn't out yet.

Juvia stepped outside and turned around to lock the door. Click. She then turned around and walked the path that she always took to school. Although it was quite early in the morning, she could see a few houses that had lights on. A lot of students from her school live around here, so it made sense.

After about ten minutes of walking, Juvia finally made it to her school. She walked in and changed her shoes before heading over to the library. As she walked past some doors, she noticed that there were quite a few first years that were here.

She walked up the stairs and soon, the library came in view. Juvia opened the sliding door, and saw a few people with books or schoolwork. She quickly sat herself near the window as it was open so she could enjoy the small breezes that would occasionally pass.

Juvia took out a book and started reading. As she flipped the page whenever she finished reading, she heard the moving of a chair in front of her. Looking up, Juvia's eyes widened.

"Hey, Juvia. I was wondering if you were alright. You seemed off yesterday."


"Uhm - I, yes. I'm alright. It's just... a lot of stuff happened yesterday." Juvia replies, a bit loss for words as she knew that Lyon never really came to school early until now.

Lyon's face darkened, "alright? It didn't seem 'alright' to me. Was it that Fullbuster guy - your ex-boyfriend?"

"H - How did you know we -"

"I followed you after you left so suddenly that night. I'm glad you're not with him anymore. Now you can be with me. I can treat you better than that guy."

"G - Gray is special to me!" Juvia replies in a whisper-shout. She found herself boiling in rage and anger.

"Well he's not with you anymore, is he? So, just be with me."

"L - Lyon..." Juvia says shocked, I never thought he'd turn out like this. "I don't love you in that way... you're not - you're not special to me in that way... I don't know why you're doing this, but please -"

"You don't understand, Juvia. I did all those things because I love you -"

"And she doesn't, so learn where your boundaries are!" Someone says from behind Juvia. She flinched as the man placed both hands on her shoulder.

Juvia's eyes widened when she looked up: Gray!

Author's Note
Congratulations! You have reached the end of this chapter. First and foremost, I'd like to apologize for this really, really late update. I've been busy with tests and schoolwork so I wasn't able to post this on time. I hope you can forgive me! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Happy reading~!

- author

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