Chapter Eleven

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"Queen? I don't understand, why me?"

"Because Neva isn't of age, and you're the next best choice."

"But why?"

The page shrugged. "I don't make the rules."

Lilia sat stunned, unable to think of anything to say.


Lilia wasn't a leader, at all. She was timid and unassertive. She generally preferred following other people rather than make decisions. Not that she couldn't make decisions for herself, it was the making decisions that would affect other people that freaked her out

And now she was going to be in charge of the decision making for an entire country.

How was she going to survive this?


The next few weeks were a hectic blur of whirlwind lessons in an attempt to at least teach her the basics of leadership and royal etiquette in time for the coronation. At times, she felt like everything was going in one ear and out the other - not because she wasn't paying attention, but because everything was being thrown at her so quickly that she didn't have a chance to even try and get a grasp on it.

Before she knew it, the day of reckoning had come. For the second time in her short time in her stay at the castle, she was dressed in traditional gowns and jewels, though this time she was in all red, and her head was kept bare.

Within hours, she was being paraded down an all too familiar aisle, though instead of a king at the end, a minister was waiting for her, holding a crown that was soon to be hers.

Time slowed to a near standstill pace. Each step felt like it brought her no closer to the end. She could feel her heartbeat in her entire body, and the nausea was so overpowering she thought she was going to drop to the ground and vomit on the spot. She had to clench her fists to stop her hands from shaking.

She was surprised that no one noticed how close to collapse she was. If she could hide it that well, maybe she was cut out for this leadership thing.

It got much easier when she finally reached the front and was kneeling before the minister. She didn't have to say anything for the first part; she had time to call herself down.

She listened mindlessly as the minister said the blessings. She knew they were only ceremonial, but she couldn't help but pray that they would work on her and make her a better leader.

On his cue, she stood up, still facing the minister.

"Do you swear to lead your people with justice?"

"I do."

"Do you swear to treat your enemies with mercy?"

"I do."

"Do you swear to defend your country with everything?"

"I do."

Lilia knelt again and bowed her head forward. The crown was placed on her head - it was heavier than she expected.

"Arise, Queen Lilia Erythrodis, and face your people."

Lilia stood up and turned to face the gathered crowd, careful to keep her face impassive as the applause roared in her ears.

Queen Lilia Erythrodis.

Not Lilia Corryntine. No, that name was long dead. Not Princess Consort Lilia Corryntine Erythrodis either.

Queen Lilia Erythrodis. Fully a leader. Fully royal. Fully Erythrodis.


At the end of the day, Lilia didn't know what was more exhausting: the coronation or the party after that.

This time, she couldn't get away with hiding by a wall. She was, after all, the one they were celebrating.

All night long, she had to suffer through awkward conversation after awkward conversation, trying to pretend like she believed she actually belonged there.

It was a relief when Neva came up to her and dragged her off to introduce her to someone.

"This is Dorian," she said. "Dorian, this is my step mother, Lilia."

Dorian and Lilia shook hands. He seemed pretty cool. He had a very relaxed demeanor, like he was at ease in these kinds of situations, and his eyes had a bright, cheerful glint. Neva also seemed so much more relaxed around him than.

Aldaren had told her about this boy. Dorian was the suitor that he and Cassandra had chosen for Neva.

Neva had also mentioned him a few times. Just from the way she talked about him, she could tell that they were already good friends, and that she liked him a lot.

Neva had been through quite a lot in her life. If Dorian could bring her at least a little bit of joy - and it was clear that he was doing much more than that - then she was more than happy to have him around.

"Pleasure to meet you."


"It's so good to see you again."

"I mean, we did see each other at your dad's funeral, but that was kind of..."


"Yeah. At least this time we're allowed to smile when we talk."

Neva and Dorian wandered around aimlessly, just talking and catching up.

"I missed seeing you," Neva said seriously.

"Oh, were my letters not enough?" he replied jokingly.

Neva smiled. "They were plenty, but nothing compares to the real thing."

He grinned in return. "That I can't disagree with."

"What are the chances that we'll be allowed to keep seeing each other in person?"

"If I talk to my parents and if they talk to your stepmom, high."


Dorian looked at her and smiled, this time with none of the joking that he'd been doing previously, just pure joy.

There's some things in this that I might want to expand on. The main event is one that's pretty important, but some of the details aren't quite there yet.
Sorry that there haven't been as many updates. Next week's Thanksgiving break, so I'm hoping to significantly up my word count during that.
Hope you enjoyed this. Vote if you did, comment your thoughts. See you next time.

Day twelve
Words written: 521
Total: 1471

Day thirteen
Words written: 236
Total: 14946

Day fourteen
Words written: 270
Total: 15216

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