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—slight foreshadowing—
I remembered that day when I first met this man, his eyes were dark and but full of kindness. His voice was calm and understanding, his smile was alive and inviting. Now his eyes were cold and dead I felt my heart tighten I didn't want to experience this again. I can't take it again let alone being the one who kills him a second time. Yamato and Kakashi were behind me. Kakashi came up and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay. We got you..." he whispers.

I sigh and nod.

"No, I need to do this myself, I need to get over it there isn't anything I can do for him, I'll be fine but this is something I must do. I'd rather it be me, last time I wasn't there and I never got a chance to say goodbye and I regretted it ever since. Now I can make peace with my regrets..." I say.

"Yes, I'm glad I could see you one last time before I die and stay dead My only wish is that I wasn't under someone else's control. I've waited a long time to say it but I love you, more than life itself and I'm sorry I caused you pain and fear not, I'll always be with you no matter where you go..." the man said with a warm smile.

I return his smile and meet his gaze his red eyes.

"I'm sorry. I wish I knew before much I would have been different, I'm going to make it..." I say.

"Yes you will, Kakashi, please look after her..." he said before looking back at me.

"I promise..." kakashi said with a serious look.

I take a deep breath, and take out my blade. I rush towards him with a heavy heart and I pierce him straight through he stomach he coughed up blood then a huge blow to my stomach sent me flying back. I collided with Kakashi we both landed with a grunt.

———end of foreshadowing———

Quick AN
Sorry for the interruption, I just wanted to let you know that you're currently heading to the village hidden in the sand. Because of the thing with the Akatsuki and them trying to kidnap Gaara. Just wanted to give you an idea about what's happening.

"So exactly how long are these sand storms supposed to last anyway..." naruto asked annoyed.

"Not too much longer..." temari said.

I could sense her worry, her chakra was uneasy. I smile she was really worried about her brothers. I reach into my bag and hand her a water bottle and some candy I kept in my pocket. She smiled and thanked me as she took them. Then gave some to Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi.

"It seems you have a soft side after all..." Kakashi joked.

"S-shut up..." I say annoyed.

Kakashi smiled patting my head I blush and look away outside and noticed the sand storm was letting up. Naruto looked anxiously at us Temari glances at Kakashi and nodded.

"Let's go..." She said.

We all took off towards the sand village.

———time skip to arrival.———

We walk into the hospital room, me and Kakashi watched as Sakura began her work on Kankuro. Then out of no where an old woman attacked Kakashi. She came at him with a Kunai but I stopped it before she could get the chance then she said a name I haven't heard of in a long long time.

"Curse you white fang!" She shouted.

I gasp and look at Kakashi and realized the striking resemblance he did look like the white fang.

"I assure you miss this isn't the white fang of the leaf..." I say.

"I need it quite..." Sakura said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2019 ⏰

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