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The world of orland, is a world split into two categories: the ones called "orors " and the ones called "users".
The difference between these two categories is that the orors use magic like ice and fire, where as "users" use magic of controlling animals or using the magic given to them by objects.

There are only 4 types of "oror" magic: earth, water, fire and air where as "users" have many different types of magic and are learning new types every day. But there are more or less 3 types of "user" Magic: telecentic, tamers and what we call in orland: arteners, who are people who can control other people not animals.

There are people who don't or can't use magic at all, for with using magic it drains your life span or can eat at you alive and change you to what we call: terrors.

A hundred years ago, orland got divided into 4 places. (Think of a four leafed clover) where all the "users" and "orors" turned each part into one season, so now each part only has one season.

Winter, summer, spring and autumn. And each season has a king or queen who rule only that part of orland.

But in the center of orland and in the middle of the seasons is the capital, called: walan. This is the only place where you can meet people of different seasons, All of the seasons have tall gates leading into walan and those gates are the only way to get out of the seasons.

The walls that divide the seasons are so tall you can't see where they end and so thick they can't be drilled through with the sharpest drill on orland.

One of the rules that have never been broken in orland is that you CAN NOT change seasons.

For instance if you where born in summer and wanted to come to winter.....well you can't, you would be stuck in summer for the rest of your life until you die. The only thing you would ever know is hot summer or cold winter or whatever weather you got in what season you live in. The only people who can go to different seasons are kings, queens or messengers but they can't stay there longer than a 2 months.

Now the seasons are very big places so there is lots of room and different terrain but there is only one season and temperature.

There was one other thing:Every month the gates to the capital (walan) open and stay open for 6 hours at the end of each month, but when they close you can't get through for another month.

But now I have no choice but to go meet with the king and queens of the seasons and tell them what is happening in my season..... the wall has cracked.

Now will you continue reading or leave this story for another... it's your choice.

Hey guys it's me😋 anyway thanks for picking this story and reading it, vote and comment please!!!<3 if any one would like to make a cover for this story, message me and I would love to use it!!

Anyway see you laters!
X Allison

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2018 ⏰

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