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Chapter 2.


It's cold. I feel cold. And dark. Where am I? Why am I here? Shouldn't I supposed to be in Church by now? What time is it? Where is Nathaniel? Where is father? mother? Georgia?

Wait, I saw them. I saw them in my dream. They died. In a church. St.Nicholas Cole Abbey. In front of the chapel. In front of the crucifix. In front of Jesus Christ. What does that mean? Wait, it's a dream, right? Please, please, tell me it was a dream. Please, someone, tell me it was a dream!

I hear someone is walking near. Lights are glowing from a candle. I can't see it clearly but I'm not alone. There are some girls inside this cold, dark room. But, they're inside the cage. I am inside a cage. Still wearing my white wedding dress. Soaked in blood. It was not a dream then. It's the reality. I really saw them dead in front of me. Why? Who would do that to them? Who would do this to me? Locking me inside a cage? What are they going to do to me?

A man opened a cage. Dragging a girl with purple gown out. I can't see her clearly but she looks beautiful. Her brown hair is a mess but it did not ruined her pretty porcelain face. The girl's eyes are closed, she surely is not concious at all but I think she's still alive.

Suddenly, people are coming and lighting the candles around. Revealing the sight of the room. It was a big room with cages around and a table in the middle. I can see a pentagram drawn on the floor under the table. People are wearing masks. Each of them has a ring with a symbol. Two snakes coil around a spear with a pair of wings. I tried to move but I can't. My left leg is chained along with my left hand. I can't even move my hand to the front.

The man put the girl on the table and the people started to say a mantra or prayer together. As they sung it, the girl screamed in agony. I don't understand why, no one is touching her. But it looks as if she's in pain.

One of the people pulled out a knife from his cloak. He smiled and stabbed the girl on her chest. Blood started to spread out as she shouted more and then, it's silent. I saw her dying in front of me yet I can do nothing about it. My eyes widen in horror. How could someone be so cruel? Am I going to be killed like that?

I closed my eyes and pray. Please, God. Please save me. I don't want to die. Or at least, not this way. Not brutally murdered like that. I have to go home. I need to go home. I don't want to be here.

The people looked at her, disappointed. I don't understand why are they even doing that. They killed her! What else would you expect beside her death?

Someone walked to me and grin. A wicked evil grin. I shivered in my place. Please, please don't let me die. Don't kill me. Don't do that to me. I keep praying until he opened my cage and drag me out. Please, God. I beg You. Let me get out of here. Let me go home. Don't put me in this misery.

They put me on the table and started a mantra. They will kill me. I know that. I know exactly what is going to happen. Why would they do this to me? Why aren't anyone here to save me? I have prayed. Why aren't You here to save me, God? Have You forsaken me? I don't want to die. I have never asked for more. Just let me live this time. Is that not possible? Save me! Anyone please save me! I don't care who is it. I will give anything for anyone who saved me. I don't care if it's a demon or an angel. If God won't save me, then I shall deny Him. There is no God in this place. Please, anyone, save me!


I hear someone is calling out to me. Whose voice is that? The demon's realm is sickening me. I'd better be in human's world. Human are interesting. Even though sometimes they are even more disgusting than us, demons.

Back to the voice, someone is definitely calling out to me. I follow the voice, what is this place? The snake symbol looks pretty familiar. Ah, Brotherhood of the Snake? No, they're ridiculous. Calling out to us with no proper reasons is ignorant. That voice is definitely not theirs. But  whose voice is it then?

A young lady is lying on a table. That voice! It's definitely hers. She's in her wedding dress soaked in blood. What happened to her? Why is she calling me? She's asking me to save her from there. Well, I might as well do that since these masked people are getting on my nerves. I killed them in an instant. Before they died, their eyes are gleaming. I guess they're happy to see me. Idiots. They don't know what is waiting for them in the afterlife.

The young lady looked at me. "who are you? Please, save me," she said. Her face is full of scratch and wounds with a pair of green eyes filled with despair and horror. Interesting. Her soul is calling out to me, teasing me to take it away from her and make it mine.

"You're calling me," I approached her. "why are you calling me?"

"You must be the angel. Sent from the heaven to saved me."

I laugh at her, innocent young lady, she has to know that angels don't safe someone like her. She did denied God a few minutes ago. There is no way she will be saved.

"Just the opposite, young lady. I'm your worst nightmare. I am a demon," I said. Her eyes widen slightly, but then she calmed down. "a demon? I expected you to come since I have forsaken Him."

"now that you have summoned me, what are you going to do?"

"I need you. Please, come with me. Give me power, obey my orders and don't leave me."

"such requests will come with a high price, young lady. You have to make a contract with me,"

"I will do anything for it."

Now, now, a desperate young lady. However, her life span will end in an instant for I am eternal. This will be a good game to play.

"The fact that you have summoned me will never change within eternity. I have cheated death for you, and the price is already paid. Now, if you want to make a contract, there will be different price coming for you. Your soul will belong to me and you will be damned in to the pit of hell when you're dead. No lights or angels will have the power to safe you."

"The world is nothing better than hell."

Bitterness. Darkness.

"Well, then, I shall put a mark on you. Where do you want it to be?"

"Anywhere is fine,"

I looked at her. No, definitely not her eyes. Tounge? I don't think she told lies. Shoulder? Yes. Shoulder.

"I will put it on your left shoulder then. The one that has held so much pain and burdens."

She screamed out from her lungs when I put the mark. Humans are weird. They can bear the wounds in their hearts but not in their bodies.

"It is done. Now, what is your name, milady?"

"Andrea Griffiths. The successor of Griffiths family."

"Ah. A lady. Then I shall make myself well presented as someone who will serve a Lady from a noble family."

I walked to her while changing my appearance. The demon form will only make her shout and passed out. Now, I looked as a young man with black hair and black suit. I looked like a butler.

She's still kneeling in front of me. Her leg is still chained and I can see blood from her ankle. She looked at me with a pitiful pair of eyes. But it held an enormous amount of bitterness, despair and anger. I kneel and free her leg from the chain.

"Now, what is your order, milady?"

The Demon's Pact (Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now