Quirk and things Ch 1

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Name: (y/n) Yamada
Quirk: VOICE (the same as Dad) and Specs (your smart as heck, from Mom) and Melody (Your voice is really calming and people will follow your orders if you sing (if you want them too). Cause it's so nice, with the voice quirk, you voice can reach people as far as 1 mile)
You scream like your dad. OoOoooOF
Age (First year): 15
Birthday: (Your birthday day)
Hair: Yellow. (Dad)
Eyes: (e/c).   (Mom)
You are kind and caring. Loud as heck sometimes when forget your voice box thing (the thing that's around Present Mic to keep his voice down) Also your Duncle is Aizawa (duncle= Dad and uncle) Your smart but a bit clumsy. You forget things, like bring things, school things your perfectly fine. You sing like a pop star, you fighting style is range combat. You know karate, martial arts and other fighting styles because Duncle taught you.

Power: 5/5
Speed: 4/5
Technique: 3/5
Intelligence: 6/5
Cooperativeness: 5/5
Dad: Present Mic (Hizashi Yamada, or Screaming banana)
Mom: Spectacul : Dead

Your family

Dad (Present Mic)

Duncle (Aizawa)

Auntie Midnight

Uncle Tori (All Might)

Uncle Mentos (Cementoss)

Uncle Plasm (Ectoplasm

Ps. The writing is REALLY bad in the first few chapters but it gets better. I think.

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