Chapter 6: U.S.J

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"HOLY MUSCLES OF ALL MIGHT, THAT WAS LOUD." I put on my thing and go down stairs. I see Dadzawa.

Dadzawa, "Remember to bring your staff."

"OK." I eat breakfast and I think about the staff coming to me. A few seconds later, the staff was in my face. I take it and put it in my backpack. Then I walk to school. 'It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. I hope nothing bad happens in the U.S.J.' I walk into class and I sit down at my desk, doodling memes, and classmates, and the U.S.J, not knowing that everyone was looking at the doodles. I look up to see everyone, except Todoroki, Bakugo, Tokoyami, stare at my doodles. 

Uraraka, "Wow, your doodles look nice. Is that the U.S.J?"

"Thanks, and yes it is."

Jiro, "Look at Denki," I drew a "Yee" mode Denki. All the girls laugh, and Denki blushes. I cover my mouth with my hand and imitated Dadzawa's voice. (Part of your quirk)

Imitated dadzawa, "Hi, go to your seats." Then everyone ran to their seats


Iida, "Why are you laughing?"

"It's because Aizawa wasn't here yet and you guys just ran to your desks like crazy." they looked around and saw that Aizawa wasn't here.

Jiro, "Then why did it sound like Mr. Aizawa was here and said for us to go to our seats?"

All, "Yeah, that's what I heard too."

Dadzawa, "Okay, today we're going some where, there will be 3 teachers. Me, All Might and someone else."

Sero, "Excuse me! What will we be doing?"

dadzawa, "Disasters, shipwrecks and everything in between. It's rescue training.

Denki, "Rescue.. Looks like it'll be a lot of work this time."

Kiri, "Idiot, this is the duty of a hero! My arm are ready to rumble!"

'I wonder what I can do. I can scream and imitate voices, control people by singing. Hmm, maybe I can he with Jiro and amplify her heart beats.'

Dadzawa, "Hey, I'm not done. You can decide if you want to wear your costume or not this time, because there are probably costumes that limit your abilities, too. The training will take place off-campus, so we're taking a bus. That is all, start getting ready."

I take my costume box and go change into it. I put everything on and I look at the mirror. 'I look like Dad. But this costume has a cool utility belt that can fit small medical supplies. Hmm, where can I put my staff though? Wait, there's a slot for that to. Wow, who ever made this costume did a good job at it. Is it water proof though. The gloves are finger less but it has small touch pads at the finger ends.' I finish looking at it and go outside to wait for the bus.

*Toot Toot*

Iida, "Class 1-A, gather round! Form two lines by your student numbers in order to make boarding the bus go smoothly!" Everyone did what Iida said, but the bus was a different format. I sit next to Jiro. I look at my voice controller to see something new, there was a button, and I click it. A hologram popped out, it was a DJ board thing. Jiro looks at it and tries to touch it but her hand went through. I touch it and I moved the buttons. 'cool, it must be the gloves. I guess it changes my voice and stuff.' I fall asleep. Then I get woken up by Bakugo screaming.

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