part 12

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Y/n was sitting in his cell waiting for the clock. As it hit 0600 he opened his cell and ran to find Twitch only to get stopped by Six and Taylor.

Six: Good you're up I need you for a mission.

Y/n: Can it wait? I need to see Twitch.

Six: You have time minutes we don't have all day.

Taylor: I'm sure we can spare a few minutes for him?

Six: I suppose.

She walked away and Taylor smiled at Y/n.

Taylor: Too bad about what happened to her.

He patted his shoulder and walked away. He walked away and found Twitch laying in a bed and Doc checking her wound.

Y/n: How is she?

Doc: She'll be fine.

He walked out and Y/n pulled up a chair next to her.

Twitch: Hey there.

Y/n: How you feeling?

Twitch: Well besides that I've been shot? I'm fine, what about you?

Y/n: Shitty.

Twitch: What's wrong?

Y/n: It's that....

Intercom: Inmate, Glaz, Jäger, Lacey, and Montagne to briefing.

Y/n: Shit.

Twitch: Hey I thought you like going on missions?

Y/n: Yeah, but...

Twitch: You'll be fine.

She pulled him closer to kiss him.

Twitch: I love you.

Y/n froze up and his eyes widened.

Y/n: Yep.

Twitch: What?

Y/n walked out quickly to the briefing. He sat down by Glaz as Six and Taylor walked inside.

Six: I will make this quick. Mr. Kowalski here is going to Iran to negotiation on behalf of the UN and has pick us to escort him there.

Taylor looked at Y/n with smirk and he glared at him and thinking about using Glaz's knife.

Taylor(Kowalski): I really appreciate what you guys are doing out there and I believe you are underappreciated for the work you've done over the years.

Six: Dismissed.

Y/n: Six can I ask you something?

Six: Not right now I have other briefing to give.

Taylor: I look forward to our trip.

Y/n: It's going to be fucking lovely.

(Timeskip to mission)

Everyone was sitting in a van as they were heading to their destination. Y/n stared at Taylor as he did the same.

Lacey: Is there a problem?

Y/n: Just focus on the mission, Snowball.

Taylor: Some one seems a little anxious.

Glaz: We are here.

Jäger opened the door and walked out with Glaz. Y/n walked out and saw a crowd of angry people throwing rocks at him.

Glaz: Montagne get your shield ready.

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