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OK, so remember I told you Paul Preston is ALL ABOUT Zoey? Seriously, that boy has it bad!!! I was all like, should I tell her, or should I not, because I promised I wouldn't?

Well the good news is, I didn't have to tell her! She found out all by herself. Well, kind of.

The other day, Zoey and Chloe came over after school. We were making up a dance routine for no real reason. (You never know when you'll want to break out in song in your everyday life, like in High School Musical - it's handy to have a dance routine down!!)

 Anywho, there was this one part of the dance when we all connect our arms together (it's kind of hard to explain, but trust me, it's a really good move!)

Zoey kind of missed my arm by accident, and instead brushed into the side of my hoodie (because I always wear a hoodie when I'm looking TOTALLY awkward doing hip hop steps!)

Then Paul Preston's note fell out - you know, the one with Zoey's name doodled all over it!

At first, Zoey thought I doodled her name all over the place like some kind of freaky friend stalker. But, of course, she was super sweet about it.

She was all like, "Um, Nikki, I think you're a great friend, too, but . . ."

LOL! The poor girl looked so conflicted! Like, do I hug Nikki, do I run far and fast, or do I call the police?

So I said, "Oh em gee it's not MINE!" Then I realized I had to tell her something. If it wasn't mine, then why in the world was I carrying it around?

The truth was I kept it as evidence, in case I decided to tell Zoey about Paul and she didn't believe me. You know how girls get about crushes sometimes. "Nu uh! He SO doesn't like me! You must have gotten confused!" 

This one document was all the proof I needed to convict Brandon - of the crime of LOVE!

I put it in that hoodie pocket because I NEVER wear that hoodie, except in the very rare event that I decide to humiliate myself with some uncoordinated hip hop dancing. I thought it was a good place to hide it until I figured out what I was going to do. 

While I was thinking about all of this in my head, I realized I was pretty much just standing there with my mouth open, creating MAD suspense for Zoey.

Right then, Chloe said, "We all know I'm the expert in all things love, and I know EXACTLY what's going on here. This is NOT the work of a really close friend. This is a BOY'S handiwork!!! So fess up Nikki, who is it???"

Dang it! She totally outed Paul Preston! It was all Chloe's doing!! (OK, I realize that's not true, but it totally helps me sleep at night.)

It was all over from there. I just blurted it all out. I was talking so fast you'd think I had a caffeine transfusion - as in shot directly to my veins!

"It's Paul Prestons!!!" I said. "It was in lunch. And he tripped. And there was milk on my butt. And he loves you . . . like really, really loves you. Seriously, today when he dozed off, a little in math class, I bet he was TOTALLY dreaming about you!!"

It felt like a HUGE weight off my mind! Seriously, carrying that secret around was SO not fun. Friends don't keep secrets! (Unless you secretly think your friend make a HUGE mistake by getting a bowl haircut - really, what's the point in telling her? There's nothing she can do about it now!)

So that's it. Zoey knows. The jig is up. Now the big question is . . . what can she do about it??

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