I know that's a dramatic way to start this post, but I just wanted to get that out of the way RIGHT NOW. You see, when it's like a week before Thanksgiving, I start DREAMING about turkey.
Seriously . . . I am ALL about Thanksgiving food!
If I could eat turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie EVERY DAY . . . well, I probably wouldn't. (Let's face it . . . I'd want a hamburger by day three!)
But still, the point is I LOVE Thanksgiving dinner, especially my mom's pecan pie. OMG it's pure awesomeness in a pan!!
Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I have some totally important updates to share with you.
The first issue on the agenda: Chloe's aforementioned super sad mood (aforementioned means I mentioned it before. I use legal terms sometimes to make stuff official!)
So Chloe seemed kind of down lately, and I thought it was because Brandon's totally into me, and Paul practically drools over Zoey, and the only person who've tried to kiss Chloe lately are her mom, her puppy, and that weird French teacher who kissed everyone on both cheeks.
But it turns out Chloe wasn't bumming because no one was crushing on her. She was just kind of quiet because she had a horrible tooth ache. She has to get a root canal, and that's totally LAME, but I'd rather the dentist put a hole in her tooth than her walk around with a hole in her heart!
(Kind of clever, right? Maybe I should write a, "sorry you're getting a root canal but at least you're not heartbroken" card and submit it to Hallmark!)
So that's the first issue. The second issue on the agenda is the whole Zoey and Paul thing. So far they're still flirting in secret, 'cause he doesn't know she knows. BUT they did get super close to talking the other day.
Zoey was organizing a shelf in the library, and she dropped Jane Eyre. Paul practically ran from across the room to grab it before it hit the floor. I swear, it was like the kid was sliding into home plate, because he was practically lying on the ground when he caught it!
So Zoey was all like, "Um, thanks. I'm so glad you saved that book so it didn't get damaged or anything."
And then Paul goes, "Well, it's, um, a really good book. And, well, I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to it."
I don't know about you, but I think they were TOTALLY talking in code! (And I highly doubt Paul Preston has read Jane Eyre!)
So those are the two big friend updates. Now back to Thanksgiving!
My mom already bought the turkey, and it's bigger than my head and Brianna's head put together. I know this because I squished her head next to mine so we could do a super scientific measurement to see if this was true.
Brianna's been driving me INSANE lately, but what else is new, right? Mom bought her a Thanksgiving coloring book, so every night this week, she's been like, "Want to have a coloring contest?"
I know what that REALLY means. It means "Want me to choose the one picture in this book that I'll allow you to color, and then give you no more than two markers to use, and then make mom be the judge, and then cry for three hours if she doesn't pick me?"
I'd rather switch places with Chloe . . . a root canal would be so much more fun!
Luckily, I'm way too excited about eggnog and sweet potatoes to let Brianna's drama bring me down. Not even Mackenzie could ruin my good mood right now. I absolutely LOVE the holidays!
What's your favorite holiday? And what does your family do for Thanksgiving?