Known/Unknown - Conocidos/Desconocidos 2

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Primero Dream, y ahora... *Redoble de tambores* // First Dream, and now... *Drums roll*


DS!Nightmare by OneBizarreKai: I call him "adorable Nightmare" because he is so freaking adorable and small XD I love his cape that serves as a hoodie too and his moon-like scepter is amazing! // DS!Nightmare por OneBizarreKai: Yo lo llamo "adorab...

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DS!Nightmare by OneBizarreKai: I call him "adorable Nightmare" because he is so freaking adorable and small XD I love his cape that serves as a hoodie too and his moon-like scepter is amazing! // DS!Nightmare por OneBizarreKai: Yo lo llamo "adorable Nightmare" porque es tan adorable y pequeño XD Amo su capa que a veces sirve de capucha y su cetro tipo luna es genial!

DS!Nightmare by OneBizarreKai: I call him "adorable Nightmare" because he is so freaking adorable and small XD I love his cape that serves as a hoodie too and his moon-like scepter is amazing! // DS!Nightmare por OneBizarreKai: Yo lo llamo "adorab...

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EV!Nightmare by lunnar-chan: Go down in your knees because the King has arrived! Bow before the great King Nightmare from the Empire of the Moon, if not then... Better run for your damn life LMAO // EV!Nightmare por lunnar-chan: Arrodíllense porque el Rey ha llegado! Hagan una reverencia ante el gran Rey Nightmare del Imperio de la Luna, si no entonces... Mejor corre por tu maldita vida LOL.

Scourge by harrish6 : I dunno what to say XD Alright, I loved how it turned out actually

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Scourge by harrish6 : I dunno what to say XD Alright, I loved how it turned out actually. Like in Daze's case, it was my first time drawing him and I am proud I got it right :D // No sé qué decir XD Okey, amo como me salió realmente. Como en el caso de Daze, era mi primera vez dibujándolo y me enorgullece como me salió :D

Darkeny by PRTwistFate: Don't get confused, his name is actually Nightmare!Sans, like NorrustlerRoam's name continues being Dream!Sans, BUT as the same reason with Norrustler, Nightmare has different name to differentiate from one to another alter...

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Darkeny by PRTwistFate: Don't get confused, his name is actually Nightmare!Sans, like NorrustlerRoam's name continues being Dream!Sans, BUT as the same reason with Norrustler, Nightmare has different name to differentiate from one to another alternate. // No se confundan, su nombre es realmente Nightmare!Sans, como el nombre de NorrustlerRoam sigue siendo Dream!Sans, PERO con la misma razón que Norrustler, Nightmare tiene diferente nombre para separar un alterno del otro.

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