Chapter 36: Wings

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Seokjin breathed heavily, eyes glued to the polished floor as a hand harshly grabbed a fist of his shirt and pulled him into the crowds, making him topple over. He yelped when he came in contact with the floor, he could hear audible gasps by the fans who quickly scurried around him. Whilst quickly pushing his sunglasses further up the bridge of his nose he found that he had been too slow to try and stand back up again as he could see the feet of many fans surrounding him. He tensed when he felt arms cling around his waist and people jump on him, as fan girls crowded around him screaming. He looked around helplessly only to see the worried faces of Namjoon and Hoseok as they got pushed by security to the exit of the airport

It took all of his will power not to push any of them away or shout at them as they cried and pulled him like it was a game of tug of war. Screams and gasps could be heard as Seokjin got harshly pulled onto his feet again by security, he couldn't describe how thankful he was for them at this moment in time, but right now his main priority was to leave.

He couldn't think straight, he could still feel people yanking at his shirt which had already been ripped and he was almost certain that his abs had been revealed. In the corner of his eye he could see security surrounding him, pushing fans harshly into each other as they went down like dominoes.

It hurt, watching the people who had loved and supported you get pushed and shoved, but on the other hand the fans weren't being the most respectful towards Seokjin at the moment so he decided to keep quiet. He kept his gaze down, sometimes being distracted by hands pulling him back by his arm or fangirls ripping his shirt even further.

He felt trapped, everywhere he would look there were cameras and flashing lights, phones in his face.

At this rate Seokjin was certain that this situation would be up all over the internet in seconds, he was certain that there would be pictures of him sprawled across the floor and being shamefully dragged by security spread across his timeline this evening.

He could feel his hands tremble slightly, it was too much, he had been surrounded like this now for a good five minutes. The worst part is that he didn't have a mask or a hat to hide himself just a pair of lousy sunglasses that would only hide his icy glares at the very most, and his members were also nowhere to be seen, completely out of his view of range.

That was what scared Seokjin the most.

He felt a hand of reassurance and comfort on his shoulder, someone must have sensed his uneasiness. Looking back he saw a glimpse of their professional security guard, the one that goes everywhere with the boys, not just an untrained airport security guard.

He relaxed a tad knowing that someone he knew was with him, and not only that but he was there to protect him.

Seokjin had almost become numb to the ear piercing screams that had echoed throughout the building, he had almost made it to the exit when he felt someone pull his shirt from the back preventing him from moving forwards. He mentally cursed himself for not being strong like Jungkook was or Jimin. He glimpsed behind to see one of the airport security guards lunging at the girl, Seokjin quickly turned away, wincing when he suddenly felt his shirt being released and a loud thump.

Seokjin lowered his head walking faster then before, letting out a shaky breath as his body finally came in contact with a fresh breeze, he looked up seeing the usual van swarmed with fans banging on the windows and screaming.

Huffing Seokjin lunged towards the van, watching anxiously as the security guards in front of him physically shoved fans out of the way to let him through.

Finally, after what had seemed like an eternity Seokjin had made it to the van, as bts' personal security guard slid open the door for him, he caught the gazes of his members and their pale faces, before their expressions quickly changed into a forced smile and they started waving at the fans.

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