Meeting LJ!

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"Hey (y/n)! Did you hear about that crazy clown killer who's on the loose?."
"Yeah (y/n)! How old do you think he is?."
You rolled your eyes at your two friends
"Why does it matter how old he is? He'd just hurt us anyways if we crossed his path, he's a psycho guys."
"(Y/n) your always such a downer. Nothing ever happens in our tiny town."
"I'm not a downer guys I just don't wanna get killed tonight or any other night...did you know that he mainly strikes for younger people? Like little kids? What kind of monster would do such a thing! As far as I'm conserved that's none of my business I'm staying out of it and locking everything you should do the same."
Now your friends rolled their eyes.
"Fine." They said.
Someone's phone buzzed off
It wasn't looked up hearing a high pithed squeal.
"Ahhhh! (Y/n), (F/n)! Guess what! (C/n) has invited me to a party! Tonight in that old abandoned house ya know that nobody ever goes in? His parents are gone I'm down! Who else is?? It says I can invite anyone I want. Doesn't say how many."
"No, no, no I'm not coming I already told you I'm staying home. Until that psycho is found don't pressure me into anything anywhere okay but if there's an emergency call or text me and I'll come but only if it's an emergency got it?."
Your friends looked at each other with a mischievous look then smiled.

"(Y/n!), (Y/n!) We need your help its an emergency! Something-something h-h-happened a-a-at the party...come Quick!!!."

One of your friends said hanging up the phone.

"(F/n) what are you doing??? Get back in here!'

"Alright, alright give me a min.....(y/n's) gonna love this party she needs to get her mind off of everything anyways...."

(f/n) felt a tap on her shoulder she jumped and laughed but when she turned around her face turned as pale as a ghosts. 

"Want some candy?"

"N-no t-t-thank you I sh-should be heading bac-ck inside with my friends th-there waiting o-on me."

The clown smiled. "friends? why i've got lots of friends."

"F-friends? wh-what kind of friends....more c-clowns? like you."

"No, no one clown is fine, but two! Hahaha! We can't have that! Would you like to meet my friends? There's  all kinds of people they live with me in my carnival."

"No i think i'm gonna go back inside now a-and im calling the police."

(f/n) Walked away but a black cloud of smoke impaired her vision.



About an hour after you saw the phone call you rushed and grabbed a jacket, rushing out the door running with a phone flashlight since you were to young to drive a car (Or just old enough but haven't gotten a license yet).

"(F/n's!) where are you?? Where exactly is this abandoned house??? C'mon guys this isn't funny!"

A thick cloud of fog appeared. You whacked at it trying to make it clear up a bit but it only made it worse. You noticed a bright light flashing on/off at the ground eye's wide when you saw the wallpaper and realized it was (f/n's) phone.

Tears started to form at the corner's of your eyes. you sunk to the ground crying in silence.

You felt something pat your head and you froze. 

"There, there it'll be okay, your friends safe now...she's in my carnival of everlasting fun! for me anyways Hahahaha!"

You stood up ready to fight back. 

"You monster! Why?!?! Why do you do this to innocent people?? To spread fear?!?! Well guess what i'm not scared of you! C'mon fight me!"


"Fight me! coward!"

You punched him but it didn't seem to faze him.

He grabbed your arm and slung you into a tree.

"Scared yet?"


You said wiping off some blood that oozed off the corner of your mouth. 

"i'll never let you win! I'll never give into the fear that you crave oh so much from me! You sick freak!"

Squinting at you a black cloud of smoke appeared you felt sleepy...trying to fight it off you couldn't. 

Next thing ya know you wake up in a old wooden bed that creaked with every movement, your body was sore you were greated by that sadistic clown opening a door holding a plate of toast and jam. A glass of water also.

"Good Morning Lollipop. Eat up it might be your last meal Hahaha!."

"Where am i?"

"You are in a hidden world where things like me, unatural things live. The air is toxic for humans unless we allow you to come in with us which lucky for you I did. I spared your life for you see i've never seen a human stand up to me the way you have perhaps you'll be a good use to me....but only as a servant or perhaps a play toy? I'm not sure yet......You said  you'd never fear me but don't you worry before the day the time you've met all of my friends you'll be wishing you were like your friend. oh! by the way im laughing jack my friends call me Lj!."

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