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"Guys can someone please just tell me where my clothes are? I don't have time for this."
"Where you gonna go? I'm not sure what Lj's
Intentions are for you but your not going anywhere your stuck here princess."
You glared at Jeff.
"Don't call me that!."
He smirked.
Ben grabbed your hand.
"Cmon! I'll show you where your clothes are if not it might be world war 3 between you and Jeff."
Just as we made it to a room with a black door.
(Secretly Bens room by the way)
You heard Ben yelp and spun around.
"Hey what's the-
"What were you doing with my victim! Only she's supposed to be in my room! Why is she out? And why is she going to your room?!?."
Your eyes widened.
"Your room! You were- I can't- Your perv!."
You yelled slapping Ben in the face.
He looked at you wide eyed while Lj just snickered to himself.
"Serves you right, better than what I was gonna do to you. Stay away from (y/n) got it shortie?. And you!."
He said pointing towards Jeff he held his hands up in the air.
"The same goes for you, you see her out
Don't be soft on her. She can handle waiting for me in my room."
"But what if your out on a spree?."
Lj glares at Jeff.
"Alright, alright got it."

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