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Mikyah- Fox Girl. Girlfriend to Chris. Very childish, video game lover, and can be the scariest thing at times. Sister of Melissa, James, and Lilly.

Melissa- Another Fox Girl. Girlfriend to Anubis. Dark person (some may say emo), weird, crazy, video game lover, and as scary as her sister. Sister of Mikyah, James, and Lilly.

James- Wolf Guy. Boyfriend to Rex and Travis. (Like a love triangle almost I guess) sporty, video game lover, responsible. Brother of Mikyah, Melissa, and Lilly.

Lilly- Bunny Girl. Childish, always wants sweets, loves being lazy, video game lover. Girlfriend to Willow. Sister of Mikyah, Melissa, and James.

Chris- werewolf. Boyfriend to Mikyah. Very kind to new people, love making people smile, and scariest thing to friends and family of his past.

Willow- a witch, sister of chris
I'm quite cheeky and fun, but on my bad side, better run
I also love video games and plushes!

Lilith -neko, sister to Lizzy
I love plushies, hugs. Animal girls, and my darling sister
Im quite calm and happy around people but i am a animal girl weeb in my room

Lizzy- neko, sister to lilith
Loves reading books, anime and her sister
Is quite calm and numb to everything
But mess with her family you better run
I also wish to become a writer

Lucifer- werewolf, brother to Anubis
Loves Highschool dxd,teasing his brother, and writing books
Is a very good gamer, and is usually known as the pervert of the family

Anubis- werewolf, brother to anubis
Love Melissa his girlfriend, and video games
Is known as the runt of the family and the second strongest

Rex- bunny, twin of Travis, one of Jame's boyfriends
Loves meat, and anime, and
Doesn't like to be alone for huge periods of tmes,
And is cute calm and cute when happy

Travis- bunny, twin of Rex, one of Jame's boy friends
Loves anime, and video games, and loves to be perverted
Is usually a quiet person

Melissa, James, and Mikyah live together. Lilly mainly sleeps over with Willow, Lizzy, and Lilith. Then Chris, Rex, Travis, Anubis, and Lucifer live together. (I did this for future short story purposes) These short stories are meant to have fun, chaotic, crazy, weird moments between certain characters or everyone. If things were to get sexual I would not type the whole thing out. It will be put as ~Things happened~. Then I'm moving on.

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