First Day Of School

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James, Travis, and Rex

It was a normal day of school. Everyone had got there class schedules and went off to their classes. Lucky for them everyone had the same lunch period.

Travis: you know we didn't have to come on the first day right. Travis was grabbing fries that he had been craving after four classes.

Chris: Your classes couldn't have been that bad. He grabs a pizza with fries.

Rex: My classes weren't so bad. Just sounds like a lot of work. He grabs the same as Chris.

Travis: Don't forget extremely boring. They grabs sodas and look around for a seat.

Chris spots Mikyah with a girl that looks like her and a guy. He decides to walk over then Travis and rex follow.

Mikyah looks up from talking to Melissa. Oh Hey.......Chris. Sorry my memory takes a while to remember.

Chris: Hey Mikyah. Sorry but can me and my brother sit here.

Mikyah looks at James and Melissa. They nod agreeing its ok.
Mikyah: sure

They sit with them. Chris speaks up. These are my brother Travis and Rex. We have two others but they're late for some reason.

Travis and Rex wave but you can barely notice that they are eyeing James.

Mikyah: this is my twin sister Melissa and my brother James.
James nods and Melissa waves.
Mikyah: We have another sister named Lilly. But she's messing with her makeup in the bathroom.

Chris: We also have sisters. Lizzy, Lilith, and Willow. They find a place to hang out, maybe the bathroom too. Who knows.

Rex and Travis were eating and getting a few glances at James.

Anubis walks up. You guys could've waited for me.

Travis: You were taking forever. Rex adds on. Yeah and we were hungry.

Anubis and Melissa lock eyes for a second. He sits in front of her. Does the shirt for you?

She looks at him like he's crazy. Then she thinks about it. Oh your that guy from the mall. Wait you put that shirt in my bag? I thought I paid for it and forgot I did.

Mikyah speaks up. Well you are forgetful at times. Melissa hits her arm lightly.

Chris: So you met her at the mall and didn't tell us.....

Rex: and bought a shirt and gave it to her for free.....

Rex, Travis, and Chris make the same face ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ).

Anubis: I will knock all three of you out for thinking that.

Lucifer finally walks up. All I wanted was pizza. I didn't think that will take too long. He looks at Mikyah and Melissa. And who are these beautiful women?

They both blush a bit. While Chris hits his arm. This is Mikyah and Melissa twins and their brother James.

James speaks up. A brother that will kick any of your asses if you try anything with my sisters.

Both girls slap the back of his head. Then Mikyah speaks up. Ignore him he's very over protective of all of us.

Everyone finishes their food and toss their trash. They compare class schedules. Chris, Melissa, Lucifer, Mikyah, and Anubis go to math class. James, Travis, and Rex go to the Lockeroom to switch clothes for Gym.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2018 ⏰

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