first, and only part

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It was a warm, sunny Saturday afternoon and Tyler and Jenna were sitting outside enjoying nature and each other's company. Jenna had prepared Tyler's favorite snack, a buffalo chicken crunchy roll.

Jenna sat with her coffee mug watching the love of her life sit right next to her. They enjoyed each other's silence, until Tyler let out a piercing scream.

"OW OH MY GOD." Tyler screamed at the top of his lungs.

Jenna rushed to him trying to figure out what was going on.

"Ty honey? What's going on?"

Tyler pointed to his mouth as tears streamed down his face.

"Your mouth? Let me see." Jenna gestured for Tyler to open his mouth. Tyler kept his mouth closed, being too in pain to move.

"Tyler babe you gotta help me out. Did you bite your tongue?" Jenna asked.

He shook his head.

"Something with your teeth?" She asked again.

Tyler nodded. Jenna knew how Tyler was weird with teeth related things, so she tried to ease him as best as possible.

"Okay Ty you have to spit whatever's in your mouth out," Jenna stood up "I'll go get a paper towel wait here." She rushed inside.

Tyler knew that he had just chipped a tooth. He was horrified. He hated the dentist and everything related to teeth. He sat in pain and anxiety until Jenna returned with water and a towel.

"Okay here, spit it out." Jenna held the towel below Tyler's mouth. He ended up spitting everything in his mouth, while almost throwing up.

Jenna handed Tyler the water "Drink this, clean your mouth out."

Tyler took the water from Jenna and took a sip.

"Good. Now let me see it babe, I need to make sure it's okay."

Tyler talked through gritted teeth and tears, "One of them chipped Jenna. It hurts so much I don't know how bad it is."

"I know you're in pain," she took his hands for comfort, "can I check it out for you, please? I will not hurt you."

Jenna made sure to reassure Tyler that it was okay, due to past anxiety and experiences with his teeth, he needed to feel safe.

Tyler looked at Jenna with sad and worried eyes. He knew Jenna was not going to hurt him. He just hated his teeth and hated when people looked at them, even Jenna. He loved Jenna with everything he has. She's the one person whose accepted every single part of Tyler without question. He knew he was being irrational, but he couldn't help it.

Tyler slowly opened his mouth for Jenna to examine.

"I'm not going to touch it, but is it that one right there? The lower right one? Babe it's definitely chipped." Jenna told Tyler.

"Uh huh." Tyler responded while still open mouthed.

"I know this is the last thing you want to hear right now, but babe we have to get you to a dentist. That can get infected so quick, and with all the sugar and crap inside it's not safe." Jenna said.

Tyler felt sick to his stomach. He hated the dentist more than anything. Last time he was there he had to have a tooth pulled, and he had to stay awake for it. Ever since he has been traumatized to ever step foot in a dentist.

"Jenna no I can't, not today please let's schedule it for next week." Tyler begged Jenna.

"Babe that tooth doesn't look good, and you're in an excruciating amount of pain. Let them help you. I'll be there with you, okay?" She said to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2018 ⏰

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