My question is really very simple , plastic or planet ? Majority will say planet. But some will say plastic in inside of their mind. Because by making plastic they are earning their livelihood. But due to plastic our planet is being destroyed. Our marine life, eco system etc everything is being destroyed. Is that good ? Absolutely not . We human are really weird, we know it's our mistake. But we don't rectify them . Only accepting that our planet is at risk cause of us , will not decrease the risk . We gotta do something.
Our planet earth is really beautiful. Several species are living. They have the right to live . But due to this plastic,they are dying. Who are we ? I mean who are we, to end their. Without thinking about the consequences we are littering plastics every where. Many rivers are dead. i.e. The Buriganga river of Bangladesh is now totally black.
A question may arise in our mind, why the river is black ? The answer is pollution. Due to pollution and plastic it is now black . Several species are now dead. Why only the Buriganga river , there might be several rivers where the species has died cause of pollution.
We always tell that awareness among people is really important. Yes, people are being aware , but there are many people who knows the horrible consequences,still they are polluting our planet . What should we tell them ? Currently, our planet is at risk, but how will the world without plastic be ? That's a question indeed. We are using it daily .
Chocolates are wrapped in a plastic paper, maybe the child would have bought the chocolate without the wrapper. Or people walking in the park, after they become exhausted, won't be able to drink water from plastic bottles. In the industry where the plastics are used most for packaging can't packed their products. World without plastics will be different.
It's not the fault of these plastics actually,it is the fault of ours. Because we are using it in a wrong way. Plastics don't have life. We have life . We are the ones causing damage to our planet. We should use it in a proper way . We should use plastics in such a way so that it benefits us .
Our oceans,land and species all are part of the planet . We can't destroy that . Otherwise, our future generation will suffer and curse us .
The sad part is, many people don't accept that our planet is at risk . They are just polluting it . But yes, words truly have an impact in our mind. We don't want to accept it, but words leave an impact.
Maybe my these words will raise an impact in one's mind . We can leave an impact and save our planet . Without planet , the plastic cannot survive . So between these two there is no comparison. Our planet is everything