chapter 07 [The Challenge]

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This chapter is dedicated to my friend@rocky7585 for his wonderful support throughout the story. Please read his book I too loved a girl.
A pocket knife??
How could anybody charge a brigand of pirates with just a pocket knife?

The scene would've been funny if the pocket knife was not the cause of the death of three of my men.
And I know that for instance, that even if they had brains the size of a peanut, they were not Minnie's in fighting.
I could not help but admire the swordsmanship of the devil.......or rather........the knifemanship of the devil.
There he was, blonde hair scattered all over his face, his eyes wild and ferocious. His physique would even make men swoon over him. His attire, not so clean but yet gentlemanly. All together, he could even make that pocket knife look like a Harakiri.
What the hell happened to you Alex!!
He is the Opponent. Snap out of it.
I snapped out of my la la land and took out my pistol from my garter and pointed it at Markos' head.
"Stop. Or I will make sure that you have a big hole on your brain." I commanded ,my voice cold as steel.
He quickly looked up and at the speed of lightning, grabbed the nearest man and pulled him closer to himself blocking the man's neck with his arms and pointing the pocket knife at the man's neck. ' Try to hut me....and your man will die first.' He said.
' oh !! Are you threatening me? Me?. Oh I am soo scared! Please........Just kill him.' I deadpanned.
His eyes almost widened. Almost.
' what.' he did not ask. I repeat he did not ask.....he stated.
' Kill. Him.'
I continued, ' this is My ship Lord Edmund Eugene Markos' and you cannot defeat me in my own territory.' I paused. ' Look around you.'
He inspected his surroundings from the corner of his eyes.
Hogurae and Delphin had their guns pointed straight at his head and all the other men had their swords drawn.
I waited till his eyes again met mine. As soon as they did I started speaking again.
' You Kill that man and all my pirates will snap your head off your body even before you could say what.'
His eyes now reflected anger and fierceness, as if he was ready to attack any time. But I could not let that happen. Even if we outnumbered him, he was still an amazing fighter and I don't want to lose my crew. I didnt know what he was capable of if he got the access to a sword and I didn't want to know. So I said, ' But I have a proposition for you'.
' What proposition?' he asked.
' A challenge. Challenge me to a duel. I don't attack unarmed people and surely a Lord can take on a petty captain?' I looked at him judging his manliness.
He started, ' Really? But Miss Alexandra-' 'Captain...... captain Alexandra.' I cut him off.
He looked at me giving a rather glare.'Miss Alexandra I think you must be aware of the fact that Lords always win a bargain.'
' That.. we shall see.
If you win, I will give up on my ship-' All my crew gasped loudly. Delphin took a step forward to starting something but I raised my hand and continued' ' And be your prisoner But, if I win then you will be the prisoner.'
And will answer all my questions
' Fair enough' . He answered.
I snatched the sword from a nearby man and tossed it over to him. He caught it mid-air.(impressive). Then I drew out my own sword and pointed at him.
Then hell broke loose.

Dearest readers,
I am really happy for all the support that you are showing. Thankyou very much. Do tell me what do you think about the story.
Now what do you think? Will Edmund win? Or will Alexandra win?

Lady Eevy

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