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AN: WE HIT 300 READS! THE FREAKING FUCK?! THANK YOU SOO MUCH EVERYONE, Y'ALL HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH THIS MEANS TO ME! Now let's get to the real shit, I've been wanting to write this chapter since FOREVER but I've been soo busy lately hence the late update. 



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I watched as Harry leaned against a wall next to the school gate with his phone in hand and a smirk plastered on his gorgeous face

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I watched as Harry leaned against a wall next to the school gate with his phone in hand and a smirk plastered on his gorgeous face. I hesitantly walked closer to him, doubting if I should really tutor him. What if I embarrass myself..? What if-

"Oh hey Crystal! You're finally here," His masculine, deep charming voice interrupted my thoughts. For some reasons, he reminded me of Hayes. His blonde hair, blue eyes and deep sexy voice.. It was similar to Hayes.

"I've been waiting for ages!" He chuckled, stuffing his phone in his pocket before starting to walk towards me. I forced a smile on my face, willing to hide all the nervous look on my feature.

"You gonna come to my house to tutor me right?" He rose his left eyebrow, a small smirk still playing on his lips.

"I hope you ain't gonna kidnap me" The words left my mouth before they could even cross my mind. A light blush crept across my cheek as I heard him chuckle. "Nah, I won't babe"

Babe... Ugh. It sounded so nice coming out from him but the thing is.. it got me feeling some type of way... 

"Soo.. let's go?" He said, more like questioned with an amused look on his face

"Yea..." I mumbled, lifting up my lips forming a small smile

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"We're here!" Harry announced, turning his head away from the wheel to look at me

"Woah!.." I sat speechless on the car seat, admiring his enormous house. 

"Are you just gonna stay here and stare?" He chuckled as he noticed my facial expression. 

"Maybe" I blurted out amusingly as I got out from his Ferrari. Yes, Ferrari. That guy is rich as fuck.

He opened the door swiftly, allowing me to view the inside of the house. God, it was as breathtaking as the outside. The first thing that I saw was a living room with a staircase at the end of the hall. The whole room was filled with bright light and the walls were painted with famous artist reproductions of still life paintings. A couple of steps echoed through the walls before an adenoidal voice was heard "Hey bro, you're home already?" 

I lifted my head up and my eyes landed on a familiar blonde guy. Hayes. Butterflies invaded my stomach and a mixture of happiness and nervousness rushed through my body.

(AN: Is it weird that I'm feeling those butterflies just by writing this? ^^ Yea?.. alright..)

"Yea, no detention for today" Harry signed, chuckling afterward. Hayes' eyes were glued on me as if he was trying to comprehend my presence and to be honest, I was doing the same thing.  

"Oh Hayes, this is Crystal. She is here to tutor me" 

"And Crystal, this is my brother, Hayes" What?! Brother? Hayes had a sibling?! And it just turned out to be Harry?! Oh gosh! That's why he resembled him so much!

Hayes' confounded stares turned into an amused look. He wore his famous smirk and descended the stairs completely to greet me

"Well, hey beautiful," He said in his actual deep, appealing voice.


"Yea bro" 

"Don't flirt!" 

"I'm not!"

Harry playfully rolled his eyes and guided me to his room. It was the typical boy's bedroom. With ocean gradient blue walls and expensive items lying here and there. 

"Wait up here, I'm gonna change my clothes. Feel free to explore the house. Nobody's home except me and Hayes" He affirmed in a soft tone before walking towards the room connected to his bedroom, which I believed was the bathroom. 

I took out my phone to check out my new messages and realized that I had like 10 messages all sent from Railey. Oh gurl

(AN: The following italic words are her thoughts, not replies)

'So, have ya two fucked yet?' Really? Is she serious?!

'I don't need details, yes or no would be sufficient.' Well, it wasn't like I was gonna give details anyway.

'Reply dammit' Gimme time dammit!

'I wanna know what's happening!' Stalker.


'Am I disturbing?' No.

'Sorry if I am..' You're not sorry.

'But I'll continue anyway' Damn you.

"Hey Harry-" The bedroom's door burst open, revealing Hayes holding some papers in his hand. My heart rate sped up as soon as my eyes met his blue orbs. What does he have this effect on me?!

"Uhh.. he is in the bathroom" I informed him, pointing at the bathroom's door

"Uh ok.." He bit his lower lip slowly as he gazed at me. I heard him groan slightly before the door was closed. From the bunch of papers he had in hand, one fell off and landed next to my feet without him noticing. Curiously, I bent down and grab it. I gulped at the appearance of the sheet. Black ink was splattered over the dirty paper forming a barely readable sentence

'It's not over yet.' 

What t-

The sound of a knob twisting made me react quickly and place the paper on the nightstand next to Harry's bed. I took a long, deep breath in order to calm myself but that was for use when Harry entered the room shirtless

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AN: Was it only me who felt suddenly hot at the end of the chapter?😩 Ahh Hayes should have been the one walking in shirtless😏 But it wouldn't have made sense then... I don't know how many of you checked the Meet The Cast again, but if you did, sorry for the spoil! Who knew Hayes' love rival would be his own brother 

 I don't know how many of you checked the Meet The Cast again, but if you did, sorry for the spoil! Who knew Hayes' love rival would be his own brother 

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