~Chapter 6~

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   Four and X decided to return home since they were both starting to get a bit cold. They were walking side-by-side, until X suddenly grabbed onto Four's hand. Four froze up, not expecting the sudden contact. X still holding Four's hand, the two of them walked home. The whole time, they were avoiding eye contact. Well, Four was just looking away out of embarrassment. He was blushing madly.

   "Look at them..." said One. Three and One were sitting behind a nearby bush, watching Four and X. "Those two are obviously in love!" "Yeah, and neither of them can tell if the other returns those feelings." replied Three, irritated. "Just give them some time. They'll figure it out eventually." said One. They sat down behind the bush. "Well?" said One. Three gave One a confused look. "Your plan!" exclaimed One. "OKAY! Okay, geez!" said Three with an annoyed tone. "Okay. What we need to do is get Six away from Four." "Isn't it obvious?" said One. Three glared at One letting them know he wasn't finished. One looked away and stayed silent. "If we keep them away from each other, Six may start to lose interest. What would be even better though, is if we could get her to fall in love with someone else." said Three. One nodded. "And who is Six very close to, besides Four, of course." One gasped. "Five!"

   Five knocked on Six's door. She was becoming worried, for it had been days since Six last came out of her house. Six opened the door slowly. She looked awful. Five could tell that she hadn't been getting much sleep lately. "Hey, Six..." said Five gently. Six gave her a small smile. "Do you need a hug?" said Five. Six nodded, and they embraced each other. "Six... Whatever's going on, it'll all be OK. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. I'll always be by your side." said Five with a smile. Tears started to form in Six's eyes, and she hugged her tighter.

   Four and X were back at their house. Four couldn't stop thinking about how X grabbed his arm... How he blushed when he put his arms around him... Maybe X truly does love Four back? His daydreams were quickly cut short by the sound of X's voice. "H-Hey Four.. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable.. I didn't mean to- I-" X suddenly became silent when Four placed his hand on his cheek. X blushed, which made Four blush too. "Its okay, X. If you want to tell me something, you can. You can tell me anything." said Four with a smile. They looked into each other's eyes for a little while. "I don't know what it is, Four... When i'm around you, I feel happy. I mean.. I feel happy when I'm around my friends as well, but.. It feels like there's more when I'm with you." Four kneeled down to be at X's height. He put his hands on X's shoulders. "That's called love, X." said Four, gently. "But, I love both you and my friends! Of course I love you, Four!" said X innocently. "Yes, but.. We are more than friends, X. You may not realize it, but you're in love with me, in a different way. And I happen to return those feelings..." X smiled. He felt like he understood now. Four smiled back. "I-I love you, Four.." said X with a nervous voice. "I love you too, X." Four picked X up, and suddenly pressed his lips against X's. X's eyes sprang wide, but he melted into the kiss, and slowly closed his eyes. He put his hands on Four's cheeks as Four hugged him tightly.



I tried to make it up to you guys for being so inactive lately. I put as much as I could into this chapter, and I'm hoping things aren't escalating too quickly (especially considering the fact that there are only 6 chapters rn)

Hope you guys enjoyed!


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