Who are you?

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I suddenly find myself in this very unfamiliar place. 

The clothes that I am wearing, doesn't look like the ones I own. 

'Min! You're awake! You've been in a coma for 2 months now, i'll get the doctor here in a second.' A random guy said as he hurried out of the tinted glass door.

I've been in a coma for 2 months? 

How can that be? 

Where is mummy and daddy... and who on earth is that guy. 

The doctor shone some kind of light into my eyes and I am extremely confused. 

'Miss Minyi, you've been asleep for about 2 months now and you have recovered significantly well. We will just keep you under observation for about 2 to 3 days and you will be able to discharge. However, the car accident has caused you some memory loss. This includes people, things and maybe even how the car accident happened.' the doctor said. 

'Where is my mum and dad?' I asked. 

The doctor gaze at the guy and look back down to his hands. 'Your mum is still in the ICU... but, I'm so sorry to say that your dad didn't survive the car accident.' 

At that moment, I feel like my world is crumbling down. 'You're joking with me right?' I asked while grasping on to the doctor's hand and smiling hoping it was a joke. 

He did not answer.

I loosen my grip. It is real. It is real. 

My last hope lies on this guy that I do not even know. 

'You! Tell me that this is a joke! Please!' I plead as tears escape the corner of my eyes. 

He avoided my eyes as tears well up in his eyes. 

'Minyi, I will be here for you ok?' he said. 

'But, I do not even know you.' I yelled at him because I feel so miserable, dad is gone and I can't even remember who this guy is.

'I am Roy, you really can't remember?' he is speaking so anxiously that his eyes are also holding on to the last bit of hope that I can remember him. 

I shook my head while crying intensely, so intense that I find it so hard to breathe. 

I picked myself up and went over to mummy's ward. her life is depending on a machine, tubes were all over the place, blue, red and yellow. My heart hurts so badly that it is starting to affect my body, making it hurt physically. 

I sat at the green cushioned chair while holding on to her tightly, praying so desperately that she can just stop sleeping now. 

'Mummy, daddy left. You can't leave me here ok? You have to wake up!' I cried while trying to catch my breath. My tears soaked the side of her bed. I was so mentally exhausted, I just fell asleep at the side of her bed. 

I felt something cover my shoulders. I raised my head to see him walking out of the room. 

'Hey.' I said.

'Hey. How are you feeling now?' he asked with a very gentle voice. 

'Not good... what happened, Roy? he carried a chair and placed it beside me without making a single sound. He sat down and held both my hands close to him. 

'Your family was planning to go on a road trip. But, the road was very slippery and the lorry couldn't slow down at this sharp turn. Then, it crashed into your car and uncle was in the driver seat... his spirit left his body at that very scene.' he explained all that but somehow... I can't remember any of that. I couldn't meet his eyes as I just regret not spending enough time with daddy. I guess... that is the whole point right? You learn from pain. 

My first tear got away and the rest followed it. Roy rested his left hand on my neck and pull me closer into a hug and whispered into my ear, 'We will get through this together.'

Why did he say that?

Isn't that what only married couple will say?

 Who am I to him and what is he to me? 

'Even if you can't remember who I am. I will still try my best to let you fall in love with me again.' he continued. 

When I return back to my ward, 2 girls are sitting by my bed. 

'Minyi!' both of them exclaimed while hugging me.

'Baobei! Are you ok?' Ning asked while holding on to my cheeks.

I did not say anything but tears somehow just flow down my cheeks. 

'It must've been very hard.' Xixi said as she tighten her hug.

'Daddy is gone, mummy is still in a coma and I don't remember who this Roy guy is!' I said in my trembly voice. 

'You don't remember Roy?' Ning asked as her eyes widen in a way like she couldn't believe I just said that. 

'Is he just a classmate or what? He care so much for me but I really don't know anything about him.' I said with a sense of guilt. 

'He is your boyfriend. You really don't remember?' Xixi asked while question marks are appearing all over her face. 

'Roy? My boyfriend? He really isn't my type though.' I said while cleaning off my tears onto my pyjamas sleeves. Xixi and Ning started laughing hysterically, I guess me and that Roy guy really had something going on. 

Aside from mummy and daddy, who is Roy? Roy is my boyfriend? But, he really isn't my type. 

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