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y/n's pov
"Y/n!" I search my mind until I realize who it is. "Oh! Aso! What's up?" I hear mumbling on the other side of the phone, then he replies. "Are you okay? After what happened in sports club?" I laugh reassuringly. "I'm fine, don't worry. Thanks for taking me to the infirmary, I owe you one." Once again, I decide not to talk about the fact that I was pushed. I'll figure out who did that on my own.

After a while of chatting with Aso, we have to end the call because his mom needs him for something. "Bye Aso! See you later, alligator!" "In a while, crocodile!" I laugh at his response and hang up. I set my phone on my dresser and change into a light f/c sweater and black leggings. I go downstairs where my mom has already left for work, make myself some cereal, and eat. After eating and taking care of my dishes, I stay in the seat. It's peaceful and quiet in the kitchen. I savor the serenity until there's a loud knocking on my door.

I stand from my seat in the old wooden chair, stretch my arms above my head with my fingers laced, then go to answer the door. As the door opens, a cold gust of autumn wind enters the house, and I shiver. Looking up, I'm pleasantly surprised by my unlikely visitor.

"Osorō..?" The tall male looms over me, a gentle look on his face. Well, gentler than usual. "Hey. I saw you yesterday. Blondie was carrying you. You were bleeding." He enters the house suddenly, and I take a step back. "So what the hell happened?"

I shift my weight back and forth from my left side to my right. "So you just fell? Really?" Osorō looks unamused. He doesn't believe my lie! I tense up. "Y-Yeah!" He shakes his head, long blonde hair moving with every motion. "I'm not stupid. What really happened?" I sigh defeatedly. "Promise not to tell?" He dismissively shakes his head, which isn't enough for me. I extend my fist, my pinky sticking out in a hooked shape. Osorō looks at it blankly, then realizes the stupid thing I'm suggesting. "Really?" He groans disappointedly. I shake my head determinedly. Osorō finally gives in and loops his larger pinky around mine.

"Okay, someone pushed me." I confess, glad to let it out. Osorō looks shocked, then angry. "What?" Who?!" He slips his hand away from mine. "No clue, but I vividly remember someone pushing me." I shrug. He folds his arms over his chest. "I'm going to find out who then. They could be dangerous." I smile gently. "No need, Osorō. I can do it myself. I'm surprised you actually care." He scoffs. "If there's a dangerous person in the school, the delinquents can handle it." I awkwardly look down. "Sorry if it sounds rude... but aren't the delinquents kind of dangerous themselves?" He sighs. "Not without reason. I can understand why you would think so, though. Those two have been out of line lately." I'm silent. Suddenly a hand covers mine.

"They weren't going to do anything. I wouldn't let them." I look up and my eyes meet Osorō's determined golden ones. His lips part as if he wants to say something, but they close again as he decides not to. "Thank you, Osorō. For everything." I smile warmly, and he looks away. "Yeah, no problem. Don't tell anyone about this, though. Any of it." I nod. Maybe that's why he was so dismissive in class. I can understand why being friends with someone like me could damage his image.

"Well, I should go." Osorō concludes, turning away from me and pulling his jacket tighter around him. "Okay! Do you want me to walk with you?" I offer. He shakes his head and opens my door. Before he leaves the house, he glances over his shoulder at me. "Bye Y/n."

I melt into my bed. I never pictured myself being friends, if you can even call it that, with someone like Osorō. My phone buzzes violently. I groan and push myself out of bed, retrieving my phone from it's place on my dresser. Upon inspection, it's a text from an unknown number. I take the device back over to my bed, sit down cross legged, then read the message. Hello, Y/n L/n. I tense up for a moment, frozen, then release the tension. Probably just someone from school. Hi. Do I know you? A bubble signifying that the other person is typing appears on the opposite end of the screen. No. But I know you. I shake my head. I would have noticed if I had a stalker. That's kind of creepy. You probably don't really know me though.The next message comes up quickly. I know a lot more than you think.

The next few messages I receive from this number almost have me dialing the police. You recently turned 16 years old, you are a member of the sports club, you are good friends with Osano Najimi, and you always walk to school with him. Looking around my room, I decide to check for stalkers. After a thorough search of my bedroom, I text the number again. What do you want from me?

Heh, did I scare you? Don't worry, you aren't being stalked. I know lots of things about everyone. Even though it's still frightening, it's reassuring that this person isn't a stalker. They also rejected my question. Okay..? Maybe I should know more about you, to make it fair. Two can play at this game, stranger! Hm, I suppose. People call me Info-Kun. I attend Akademi, just like you. Phew! It's just a high schooler. Well Info-Kun, I'm Y/n. You already know that, but this is a formal introduction. I've never heard of you around Akademi. To be fair, I haven't been there very long. Another bubble appears. How polite. I smile briefly, then remind myself that this person is still a major creep. You probably don't see me around because I don't attend classes. I'm in the info club. I nod, even though he can't see me. So, why did you text me, Info-Kun? No response.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2018 ⏰

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