07 | the one with the cursed autocorrect

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the one with the cursed autocorrect

"WHAT DO YOU mean you haven't called him?"

Nala winced at the sheer decibel of Courtney's voice. It really wasn't a good day, what with her migraine from all that paperwork and her colleague's nonstop screeching about her love life (or lack thereof).

She stared at Courtney through blurry eyes and asked, "Am I supposed to?"

"Of course you're supposed to call him! How else will he know that you fancy the bloody pants off him and want to go on another date?"

"Hang on," called Amy from across the room. "He's the guy—he's the one who should be taking the initiative."

"Sod the rules. This is the twenty-first century, Nala, and if you're not going to lay your claim on this bloke, someone else will. I know Tracy thinks he's fit as anything."

"I do not!" screeched the girl in question. Everyone turned to look at her, and she blushed. "Okay, maybe I do, but he's still a deliveryman."

"Well, that much is true. You know what, Nala, I take back what I said. You can do so much better. Go out with Mark from Finance and you'll see what I'm talking about."

Nala huffed in exasperation and buried her head in her arms. "I don't want to go out with Mark from Finance! I don't want to go out with any man from this company! The ones we know are shallow and pedantic and think they're God's gift to women. So you can take your superior opinions and stuff them up the arse of someone who gives a shite—like Kaden Bretton's, for instance, since that's where all your noses seems to be stuffed into anyway."

"Charming, as always, Mitchell."

Well, buggering fuck.

Slowly, Nala lifted her head, only to find the very man whose arse she'd just insulted standing by Stella's desk. It surprised her that he even knew her name, although she supposed that he must've done a background check on his employees somewhere along the line.

Kaden Bretton tucked three files under his arm and levelled her a steady gaze. "Can I have a word with you outside?"

It wasn't really a question as it was a demand. Without waiting for her reply, he spun on his heels and headed off first. Nala pulled a face behind his back and followed him. He didn't stop until they were well out of sight from her co-workers, and then he turned to her with an expectant look on his face.

Now was probably the time to explain her way out of this mess. She took a deep breath and met his gaze squarely. "I didn't mean to insult you. It wasn't really you or your arse I was insulting, honestly, it's just..." She let out a heavy sigh. "Have you ever liked someone whom everyone else seemed to think was wrong, but all you can think about is how right this person is for you?"

When Kaden remained silent, Nala bit her lip. Right. Probably not the best idea to rant to the big boss about her love life.

"I'm sorry, that was presumptuous," she said, and turned to leave. "I should really get back to work..."

"I don't believe I've dismissed you, Mitchell." Kaden's words stopped her short. Seconds later, she found her arms full with the files he shoved at her. "I expect to see these amended and on my assistant's desk at the end of this week. Think of it as punishment for getting caught badmouthing your boss."

Nala's mouth fell open. She looked down at the files, and her eyes narrowed. "Aren't these the files that your assistant—hold on! Are you making me fix her mistakes?"

He lifted one shoulder in a half-shrug.

"That's completely unprofessional and you know it!"

"Right, and talking about your boss's arse during work is perfect office decorum?" he shot back and turned to head into the lift.

Nala glared at his departing figure. "She will be your ruin, Bretton."

If she hadn't been watching him, she would've missed the way his shoulders tensed for a second before the doors closed. Grumbling under her breath, Nala retreated back to the office and dumped the files on her desk. As if this migraine isn't enough... She popped an aspirin, knocked back half a bottle of water, and settled down to work.

As five o'clock ticked by, Nala finished amending the last of the mistakes. She stretched, winced as her joints cracked, and popped another aspirin. Then she reached for her phone.

Maybe Courtney and the other girls were right. Maybe she needed to put on her big-girl-pants and text Seung Jae. After all, he'd asked her out on that first date. Why shouldn't she ask him out this time?

She took a deep breath and began a new message.

Thanks for dinner last night, I had the best time too. To be honest, though, I wished you'd killed me at the end of the date.

His reply came barely a minute later.

My apologies. I should've killed you for taking the last slice of pizza.

Nala blinked down at his message in confusion. Amidst the pounding in her head, it took her two rereads to finally catch her mistake. She gasped and quickly corrected herself.

Kissed! I wished you had kissed me. I'm sorry, I'm just feeling a little dick right now.

Her thumb hit 'send' before she realised her grievous error. "Oh, shite!" she swore aloud, ignoring the stares from her co-workers. Bloody autocorrect. Her fingers flew across the screen as she typed in yet another correction.

Sick! I'm feeling a little sick right now. I'm so sorry, I don't know what the bloody hell is wrong with me.

You need some rest, Nala. I'll meet you in the lobby in half an hour.

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