10 | the one

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the one

NALA KISSED HIM back with everything she had.

The unexpectedness of his kiss seemed like something out of a dream, but the sensations were very, very real. Once she'd gotten over her initial shock, she closed her eyes and felt everything. His lips were warm against hers, slightly chapped from the cold, and he tasted sweet and bitter from the tea he'd probably had earlier. His hands were rough where he cradled her cheeks, and his muscles tensed when she slid her palms up against his chest. A slow heat rose between them as he kissed her slowly, sweetly, and she fisted his shirt within her hands like it was the only lifeline she had.

He pulled back far too soon for her liking, even though he kept one arm looped loosely around her waist. "I bought you breakfast," he said, as she blinked up at him. "You should really eat, since you missed dinner last night. And then we can address what you said in the loo earlier."

Nala popped the lid on the cup that he handed to her, then peered into the paper bag. "This is exactly what I have for breakfast everyday," she said in surprise. "How...?"

"How do I know? Because I notice you." His lips quirked in a wry grin when her eyes widened. He sat down on the edge of her dining table, much like all the times he'd sat on her desk. "I've worked at my job for three years, and no one's ever taken much notice of me. All I am to them is a deliveryman who should be seen but not spoken to. Until the day I stepped into Bretton Industries, and you asked me how my day was."

She stared at him. "Anyone would've done the same."

"But they didn't, and you did. You made my day with that single question, and you've made my day each time I went to your office. Think about it, Nala—there's a whole office full of employees perfectly authorised to approve my deliveries, but I've only ever went to your desk. I've only ever spoken to you. I've only ever wanted to get to know you. Why would I do that if I wasn't crazy about you?"

"I didn't realise...I mean, I did hope a little, but I wasn't sure..."

"I am." His tone was serious. "And as for what you said earlier—what makes you think I'm any different? I'm not accomplished, or rich, or have a steady job. I'm not a smooth-talker, or charming, or even brave enough to have told you how I felt early on. I'm a little needy, a little obsessive, and completely unimaginative except when I dream about you—which isn't as often as I like, either. But I'm hoping that when you find out these things about me, you'll still like me just as I like you."

He caught her chin and tilted her head up, so that he could look right at her.

"I know that you want to be confident and independent and put together, because that's what everyone else thinks you should be," he said quietly. "But even if the shoe fits, you don't have to wear it. I've seen you at your best, and I like you. I've seen you at your worst, and I still like you. I don't need you to be anything you're not. I just need you as you are."

She fell silent; her mind reeling. With those words, he'd given her what she didn't know she needed all along: acceptance. It wasn't a happily ever after from here, nor did it make her problems go away. But it was so much simpler now that she knew he liked her for who she was, and not who she had to be.

A frown creased his forehead as he noticed the expression on her face, and he abruptly pulled back. "Did I say something wrong?"

Nala blinked back tears and smiled. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged him down so that she could kiss him. She felt his sharp intake of breath as she caught him by surprise, then his ragged exhale when she licked his bottom lip. His hands clutched at her hips, and when his fingers dug in it was a delicious sting. A whimper escaped her when he deepened the kiss, and she began to wish for the bedroom so that he could show her exactly what imaginative things occurred in his dreams.

Abruptly, he pulled away with a breathless gasp. She tugged him back, but he resisted. "Hold on, I just—"

Her face fell. "Did I do something wrong?"

"What? No, of course not!"

"I don't kiss very well, do I? I'm sorry, I just haven't had a lot of practice..."

"No, it's not that! It was great, you are great— It's just that..."

Nala tilted her head to study him. His cheeks were flushed, his lips beautifully bee-stung from all that kissing. He had seemed to enjoy it as much as she did, so why was he...? She took in his flustered features, before she looked down to where he held her at arm's length. And then she glanced down even lower.


Seung Jae seemed to realise where she was looking, because he quickly moved back. His expression was so mortified he looked adorably boyish for a moment. Nine times before she had embarrassed herself, and it seemed like it was his turn now.

"I—uh, I really didn't mean to..." he stammered.

Nala beamed and pressed herself flush against him. A low groan ripped from his throat, even as his fingers tightened around her hips. She felt his arousal, hard and throbbing against her, and couldn't help shivering as her stomach curled in delight.

It would've been proper, she supposed, to act coy and blush and pretend like she didn't realise he was as turned on as she was. Other women might've done it, but she wasn't other women. And what she really wanted was...

"Kiss me again," she breathed.

He smiled against her lips and did just that.

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ F I N ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬


...and that, my darlings, is a wrap!

It's been a long time since I've written anything close to a novella—the last was Breakup Formula in 2014, I believe. 2017/18 have been rough years for me, writing-wise, where I've kind of had to figure out where I want to go and whether this platform really is the place for me. But I am really grateful for all your support.

That being said, although this is a novella, if you've any questions regarding it (or this universe in general), feel free to ask it HERE and I will be more happy to respond in the afterword.

As for what I'm working on next, keep a close eye on my instagram (hepburnetteswp) for spoilers! I promise it won't be long, and it's something pretty exciting.

Thank u, next.

x Noelle

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