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"Mr. Blake It seems like you have everything together here but..." Mr. Jaha took a deep breath. "We cannot ignore the fact that you are only 19." 

"I'm a legal adult I-"

"We know that Mr. Blake however your sister needs a more stable guardian. You have a history of anger and violence-"

"Petty high school fights." Bellamy clarified.

"Your salary is not enough to fully support your sister-"

"I'll ask for a raise or pick up a second job." He offered, pleading with the social worker.

"Mr. Blake, please understand that I am just trying to do what's best for Octavia."

"I am what's best for her! I would do anything for Octavia."

"I know but there are some things you just can't do for her." Bellamy sunk to the couch, head in hands. He couldn't believe what was happening. "It is only for 2 years. We have a family picked out and ready for her. When she turns 18 she is free to do whatever she chooses.-

"2 years is a long time."

"I'm sure it will feel like the blink of an eye."

"You want me to miss her last two years of high school. That's a big deal."

"You don't have to miss it. The Kane's have offered to let you stay with them for the time being-"

"No way. I'm not going to mooch off the family that is stealing my sister. I'm going to work hard until I can prove to you that I am fit to be a guardian." Mr. Jaha sighed. 

"If that is what you want. You will be allowed to visit but you will have to follow any rules the Kanes' set in place and failure to do so will result in a loss of these privileges." 

"When does she leave?" 

"They are expecting her tomorrow." Bellamy groaned. It wasn't fair. "Enjoy tonight Mr. Blake. It was all I could get you." Mr. Jaha left just before Octavia got home from school.

"Hey Big Brother, how'd it go?" She asked with a big smile.

"Go put on your PJs. We are going to have a movie night. I'll run to the store and get all the snacks." 


If he was going to lose her, he could at least do everything in his power to make their last night perfect.


 "Family meeting!" Marcus Kane's voice boomed through the entire house. His wife was the first to reach the family room followed by their kids. 

"I'm pretty sure most families don't do this." John Murphy mumbled with an eye roll as he sat down in the armchair. 

"Well young man we are not most families." Abby pointed out as she stood proudly next to her husband.

 "Clearly." Raven snickered. 

"None of that. Now can we please get to what I want to talk about?" Marcus asked. Everyone nodded and waited for him to continue. "You guys are getting a new sibling."

"You are adopting another one? You'd think after Murphy you guys would have had enough." Raven chuckled resulting in Murphy shoving her off the armrest.

"Not adopting. There is a girl around your age who needs a foster home. And Thelonious asked if we would take her in and we said yes."

"Another teenager? You'd think you guys would want some babies or something." Clarke teased. 

"Babies are too much work. Besides you all act like children enough that we don't even have to worry about missing out." Abby mocked her children. 

"Plus we will be sure to spoil your kids when you have them-" Marcus smiled smugly.

"Which better not be soon!" Abby cut in with a laugh.

"So this new girl..." Murphy trailed off.

"Same rules apply as the others you two," Marcus stated eyes darting between Murphy and Clarke. They both rolled their eyes.

"So when does she get here?" 

"Tomorrow. And I expect you all to make her feel welcome and to help her out around the school. Especially you Clarke. Maybe introduce her to your friends."

"Why me?" Clarke groaned.

"Because the poor girl has been through enough. You really think she should have to deal with Murphy on top of that?" Marcus explained, poking fun at his son.

"Fair point."

"You all suck."

"I think that's enough family time for tonight. Get going. Prep for tomorrow. It's a big day!"

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