Taking it easy

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"Halstead." Jay said, picking his phone up without looking at the caller id.
"Its Voight." The gruff voice on the other end stated.
"How is she?" Jay asked, glancing at his daughter who was looking at him now.
"Out of surgery, she had quite a bit of internal bleeding, and they are worried about possible brain injury so she's still under sedation." Voight explained, basically quoting what the doctor had told him.
"Let me know when she wakes up." Jay said, hanging up.
"Was that mommy? Can we go see her?" Chloe said excitedly.
"No that was grandpa Hank. The doctors want to keep mommy for the night but I'm sure we can go see her tomorrow." Jay said. The room fell into a silence as both didn't know what to say, thankfully there was a knock at the door.
"Uncle Jay!" He heard as he opened it.
"Hey kid." Jay said a smile creeping over his face. "What are you guys doing here?"
"Figured you might like a hand." Will Said.
"Come on Owen, let's go find Chloe." Nat Said, leading him through.
"How you holding up?" Will asked.
"She's asking for Erin and I don't know what to say." Jay Said honestly.
"How are things between you two?" Will asked.
"We're good." Jay said, Will raised his eyebrows. "Who knows where we'll end up." Jay Said with a shrug. "How is she by the way?"
"Her conditions still bad but it's improving." Will Said. "It'll take time with Chloe, it did with Owen."
"I doubt Chloe's gonna give me two black eyes." Jay joked.
"Ha ha." Will said sarcastically.
"You guys want a drink?" Jay Asked. "We were gonna order takeaway if you want some?" He offered.
"Sure." Will Said, following Jay into the kitchen.

"Thanks for tonight." Jay Said, hugging Nat and half hugging Will as he balanced a half asleep Owen on his hip.
"It's no problem honestly." Nat Said, placing her hand on his shoulder.
"Thanks anyway." Jay Said with a smile. "I should probably get CC into bed." He Said, shutting the door behind the small family and turning to pick his daughter up.
"JayJay." Chloe muttered as Jay picked her small frame.
"I'm here kid." Jay said with a smile as he moved her from the living room and into the spare room.
"Will Mummy Be home for Christmas?" Chloe asked as he carefully layed her down on the bed.
"I'm sure she will be." Jay Said, tucking the girl in.
"Will Santa know where to find me?" Chloe asked.
"I'm sure Mummy will let him know." Jay Said with a smile.

"Halstead." Jay Said, answering his phone. It was the next day and he still hadn't heard anything on Erin's condition so he had taken Chloe to work again and right now she was happily sat with Ruzek and Atwater giggling away.
"She's awake, asking for you two." A familiar gruff voice answered.
"We'll be there in 10." Jay Said hanging up. "Hey CC, you wanna go see mum?"
"Yeah!" Chloe said, jumping off her seat.
"She's awake then?" Dawson asked.
"Yeah, that's all I know right now." Jay Said with a shrug as he took his daughters hand and they left the precinct.

A few minutes earlier.
Voight was sat by Erin's bed in the same seat he had been in since Jay had left, his hands wrapped around hers.
"Hey." He said softly as her eyes fluttered open.
"Chloe." She said slowly, clearly anxious as to where her daughter was.
"Is fine, she spent the night at Jays." Voight Said.
"Can you call him?" Erin asked.
"I'll go get the doctor then I'll call him." Voight Said, getting up.

"Mummy!" Chloe said excitedly as she ran into the hospital room, followed by her dad.
"Hey sweety." Erin Said, moving along the bed slightly so her daughter could clamber up. "Hey." She Said, exchanging a smile with Jay.
"Hey." Jay Said.
"Wheres Hank gone?" Erin asked, waiting for her father figure to come in.
"He went back to work, the team would crumble if neither of us were there." Jay said sarcastically.
"Ha ha." Erin Said with a smirk. "Did you two have a good night?" She Asked Chloe.
"Yeah! We had takeaway with Owen!" Chloe said, happy about her new friend.
"Really?" Erin Said, raising her eyebrows at Jay as if to say you've told them already.
"Yeah, Nat figured it out when she was treating this little munchkin." Jay Said.
"What did Nat figure out?" Chloe asked curiously.
"That you need to be a good girl or Santa won't come." Erin Said, tapping Chloe's nose.
"Will you be home for Christmas?" Chloe asked.
"Doctors say I'll be home tomorrow." Erin Said, ruffling the girls hair as her eyes light up. "They said I need to take it easy though, so we're either gonna have to find somewhere to crash or get some help setting our place up." She Said, to Jay and Chloe.
"I'm sure the guys'll help if you want?" Jay offered.
"I'll buy the pizza." Erin Said with a nod.

"That was Jay." Upton Said, looking up from her phone.
"How is she?" Burgess Asked.
"She's up and talking, doctors are letting her go tomorrow as long as she takes it easy." Upton said.
"Erin Lindsay, taking it easy." Antonio said, smirking as he tried to imagine her 'taking it easy'.
"She wants to know if anyone's up for spending their day off tomorrow helping set up the house seeing as she's taking it easy. She's ordering pizza." Upton said, smirking at his comment also.
"I think we'll all be there." Atwater said as everyone nodded.

Authors note: sorry for the gap between updates, life's been flying by, between family drama and revising for a billion tests I've barely had time to write. But as I said on my Instagram (@/onechicago.games) I am planning on doing a Christmas chapter for all my current books so I best get writing!

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