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January 30th, 2019

The courtroom was erupting with chatter.
Tony Stark was staring at the judge from across the room, hoping his glare would give the judge a scare.
"Sad times these are." A woman's voice muttered behind Tony. "We used to trust these people." The woman continued and pointed towards Steve, Tony and Nat.
Tony growled "Listen! We are the people who protect you from gods! From the things that go bump in the night! We protect you from everything!" Tony finally lost is as he yelled at the judge.
The courtroom went silent and everyone turned to stare at him.
Tony's face was red, not from embarrassment, but because of anger. He waited for the judges response.
The judge had his head in his hands. He looked at Stark. "Who's gonna protect us from you when you decide its better to turn against us, Mr.Stark?" He asked.
Tony scoffed "You really think that's going to happen? We're never gonna turn into villains!" He yelled in response.
The judge rolled his eyes, "Its a risk Stark! Understand that! What if one day, Thor comes down from above and brings hellfire with him?" He asked.
Steve Rogers finally jumped in "Thor is a loyal god. He would never do such a thing because it's against his father and his-"
The judge interrupted him, "It's just an example Captain Rogers."
Steve sighed and looked down. He knew it was no good to argue. He looked at Tony in defeat.
Natasha started to speak, "Listen. We've protected this earth since two thousand and twelve. We have never missed an opportunity to serve. If one of us turned evil, the rest of us could take them down no problem."
The judge shook his head "Your saying you could take down the god of thunder?" He asked. "With what? Your little batons?" He chuckled as the courtroom started to fill up with small snickers.
Natasha growled as she backed away from her microphone, pissed off.
The judge sighed "I now order the final act of the extinct avengers, in order. Any and all further acts from the avengers with earth is illegal under every circumstance."
Tony's hope faded from his eyes. He stood up slowly and started to walk towards the courtroom doors. The whole courtroom erupted in chatter again, people booed and threw trash at Tony, Steve and Nat as they walked past.
Tony walked out of the courtroom and heard Steve and Nat shut the doors behind them.
Steve looked at Tony "What now?" He asked.
Natasha heard the yelling continue but it was muffled through a door.
Tony sighed "We can't stay here. They'll come after us and strip us away of all of our gadgets." He looked at Steve in Nat with defeat "We all need to go somewhere. Away from here. We all can live our new life together."
Natasha nodded "And when shit goes south we can show back up and show them that they need us."
Tony slowly nodded "I'll send out an invitation to a place in Russia where we can all stay." He was doing stuff with his glasses as F.r.i.d.a.y. was going through places they could go and stay. "Steve. You get Wanda and Parker. Get them out of the city and towards Russia as fast as you can." He insisted.
Steve nodded slowly.
"Nat. You go get Agent Barton while I send out the to everyone."
Natasha nodded "But what if Clint doesn't want to leave his family?" She asked.
Tony looked at Nat "He will if he understands that he's keeping his family safe."
Nat slowly nodded. She looked down. She knew he would be devastated.

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