The Hotel Room

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A Few Days Later

Steve walked into the hotel lobby with Wanda and Peter closely behind him. Wanda looked around, scanning the area. She had a red hoodie on with a black dress on under it. She didn't know what was happening but she just knew she had to follow Steve.
Peter looked around as well, but not as cautious. He noticed a man with a newspaper staring at them when they made it towards the front desk.
Peter elbowed Wanda, Wanda flinched at first then looked over at the man. She raised an eyebrow. She looked at Peter "Don't stare. We can't be to obvious." She whispers.
Peter slowly nodded. He put his head down. He was following their orders since he was the youngest one.
Steve made it to the front desk, he looked at the receptionist. "I'm here to login under the name Stark."
The receptionist smiled, she looked to be around 20. She pushed her blonde hair behind her ear "Any relation to Tony Stark?" She asked.
Steve chuckled and shook his head "Nope. Just a coincidence I guess."
The receptionist nodded "Alright. Room 548." She handed them their room key, "Would you like help with your bags?" She asked.
Steve shook his head "No thanks. We got it." He smiled politely.
They walked onto the elevator and the doors closed behind them. Peter looked at Steve and spoke, "There was a man staring at us in the lobby." He blurted out.
Steve looked at Peter "Like he knew us or just like a casual staring?" He asked.
Wanda looked confused "You think there's a causal staring?" She asked.
Steve shrugged "You know what I mean."
The doors opened as they began to walk off.
Steve sighed "Hopefully he didn't recognize us."
Steve opened their hotel room door. He turned on the lights to show two beds and a couch.
Peter made his way over to the couch and laid down. He yawned and closed his eyes.
Steve nodded "Yeah you guys might want to get some sleep. It's gonna be a busy day tomorrow trying to get to Russia. Trust me."
Wanda walked over to her bed and sat down. She opened her bag to get new clothes out.
Steve went to lay down his bag before hearing a knock on the door.
Steve waited a second before walking over to the door and looking through the peephole. He saw it was a worker. He slowly opened the door "Yes?" He asked.
The worker looked around the hallway before stepping inside and closed the door behind him. "Steve Rogers. Listen you need to come with me." He stayed quickly.
Wanda turned around and faced the man quickly, she looked confused but got ready to attack if needed.
Peter slowly opened his eyes to see what was happening.
Steve slowly grabbed his bag "Who are you?" He asked.
The worker sighed "I'm with S.H.I.E.L.D." He reassured them. "Fury is trying to track everyone down and get them together."
"Stark is already trying to do that." Steve told the man.
The man raised an eyebrow "Stark has gone off radar two days ago. He's presumed dead." He told Steve.
Peter sat up quickly "What?" He asked as he climbed off the couch.
The agent sighed "Listen I don't have a lot of time. I can explain everything when-" He was interrupted by a loud bang and glass breaking.
The agent got a bullet right between his eyes, the bullet seemed to come from the window.
Steve quickly pulled his shield out of his bag and rolled to the side of the bed away from the window.
Peter fell to the ground, and crawled to the side of the window frame for cover.
Wanda ducked down and looked over at the door as it got kicked down by two agents. But they weren't with S.H.I.E.L.D.
Wanda quickly pushed one of the men up against the wall using her powers. She signaled for Steve to knock them out.
Steve ran at one of the men before hearing another loud bang. The man that was held against the wall, fell to the ground.
Steve looked over at Wanda, she sat there for a second before falling face first, a hole in her back, blood soaking through her shirt.
Peter gasped "Wanda!" He yelled. He quickly webbed one of the men against the wall before being shot right in the shoulder by the other man.
Steve quickly hit the agent who wasn't webbed up. Steve looked at Peter "Run!" He yelled before getting knocked to the ground.
The agent stood up slowly, "Goodnight Captain." He said with a Russian accent.
The agent pulled his gun up to Steve's head and pulled the trigger, killing him.
Peter slowly sat up, his eyes filled with horror "Steve!" He yelled as he jumped up and webbed the second man up. He looked at the first man to see he was cutting hisself out of the webs.
The first man pulled out a grenade and pulled the pin, dropping it on the ground.
Peter shook his head "No!" He yelled. He ran behind the bed and covered his head.
The whole floor of the hotel exploded. People on the sidewalk stared up in disbelief.
Peters body went flying from the room and fell onto a parked police car.
Peter groaned and felt his bloody face. He looked around confused and scared. He slowly climbed off. He looked up at the hotel, it was on fire, people were screaming, yelling for help.
Peter watched as he fell to his knees "I'm sorry captain." He whispered. He started to cry, tears were mixing with the blood on his face. He sniffed and started to wipe away his tears.
Peter stood up slowly, wiped thee blood from his face and started to run off into an alleyway. Where he was trying to look for a way escape into a new life or maybe even just find someone who can help him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2019 ⏰

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